So I've been thinking about this for awhile. The most important book we can ever read is The Bible. It is one book in which 66 books exist inside of (for lack of a better description). There are thirty-nine books in the Old Testament and twenty-seven in the New. There are a lot of stories to choose from.
I've never been good at reading the Bible through in a year. I always give up around June. One year I made it to August, but only haphazardly. I could do better.
It's easy to read a great many books really quickly. For example, this month I made it a personal goal to read 10 books that have been sitting unread on my bookshelves for some time. I met the goal. So now its time for a new one. And I've been thinking about this quite a bit. Instead of thinking of The Bible as one whole book (which it is) I'm going to break it down into 66 and tackle one of those 66 books each month from now until....? I invite you to join me.
So here's a Mister Linky for your purposes. If you choose to select one book out of the Bible each month and read through it (and hey! I'm even going to add the books onto my accomplished reading list as motivation!) please leave a link to your post which states which book you've chosen/did choose and what you have learned from it/did learn.
I'll post a Mister Linky towards the beginning of each month for you to link up to and state what your goal is or what you accomplished the month before. No strict guidelines or rules. This is merely a way to encourage myself (and anyone else who needs a boost!) to read scriptures.
I know there are countless blog/reading activities and circles to be a part of. It's hard to choose and narrow down. Everyone is on a different schedule and has a different life to live. But most of us are connected to each other through a common truth -- a common faith. I think it would be nice to share that aspect of our lives as well. If you are game and willing, please "come along with me" as we journey through life -- books in tow! -- together!
You know how this works: post a link here to the specific post where you’ve written your book review. Don’t link to your main blog page because this kind of link makes it hard to find the discussion, especially when people drop in later after you’ve added new content to your blog. In parentheses after your name, add the title of the book you’re reading/commenting on. This addition will help people to find the reflections they’re most interested in reading.
As always, happy reading!
Great idea! I've been taking a little different approach, but hopefully similar enough that I can still link.
If we are going to review books, what better book than the Bible! I'll link my current Bible book. Thanks again Carrie.
Not totally clear on how the whole link thing is working but I'll be reading, too. Good idea!
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