
Sunday, December 30, 2007

The BBC -- not what you think!

The Bible Book Club was recently started by Carol to help motivate and encourage people to read the Bible through with her in three years. I LIKE this plan. I've started one-year plans on countless occasions, only to give up around June or July, frustrated, because I had missed one too many days. I thought about reading it straight through like I would any other book just to do it. (Hey! Les Mis took two weeks and I think the Bible is just as doable....although I hardly believe I would take in very much of it using that particular method.)

So I'm going to give this a whole-hearted try!

Are you interested in doing the same? Click here to learn more about the Bible Book Club!

1 comment:

Laura said...

It sounds great. I do read through my Bible each year - usually 1 1/2 times.

Last year for the first time I decided to read it straight through like any other book for four weeks during Lent. You know what? The history and prophecy made a lot more sense, and the order of it all was clearer. I plan to do that again this year, while at the same time continuing my normal read-through-in-a-year schedule.

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