I read the book Hello, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle first (late last year) and just completed reading Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, which makes everything make more sense! I wish I had started with the first book, because it gives a better description of who Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle is (and what she looks like) but, nevertheless, I found both books rather enjoyable.
I came across the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle books through a recommendation on Semicolon's Saturday Review. (My apologies! I deleted my link for who the recommender was!) I'm glad I did for I thought this was a cute idea.
For those of you unfamiliar with Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, she is an "old maid" who knows how to cure the worst of childhood bad behaviors, such as slow-eater-tiny-bite-taker issues as well as the won't-pick-up-toys ailments. Her methods are creative and effective. The parents in her small town would seem to be clueless without her! So, I suppose, thank goodness for Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle!
It's a cute series, listed as a good read for ages 6-10. However, I think it can be enjoyed by people ages 20+ if you still have an imagination about you.
Actually, she's the widow of a pirate, and in some of the stories the children of the neighborhood search for pirate treasure in Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's house.
I loved those books when I was a little girl, and my children love them now. They know the stories so well that when one of them acts selfish, or like a cry-baby, or a slowpoke, the others can and do recite passages from the pertinant stories.
I'm glad you reviewed them!
You are correct! Like I said -- read the first book FIRST. It helps explain so much. (I'm confusing what I thought from book 2.)
Thanks for the clarification!
I loved (!!) Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle growing up and found them to be hilariously funny. I haven't picked them up in awhile, but I might need to take your suggestion and re-visit them as a 20+ person. I'm glad you liked them!
I simply MUST HAVE Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle!
Another book I have to find...
These were always some of my favorites. If you want another treat, read The Egg and I, which is the autobiography of the Piggle-Wiggle author. It's not as humorous as you might expect, but she has a very interesting take on life. (And she lived in Sequim! I lived right in that area, so it felt like home.)
And read Onions in the Stew - which is her memoir of living on Vashon Island with her twin daughters, Anne and Joan (who were obviously the inspiration for many of Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's cures), and her husband, Don. It's hilarious!
I LOVED the Mrs. Piggle Wiggle Books!!!
I need to add yet another to my must-read list. Somehow I missed this one growing up. Sounds fun!
I read these books when I was in grade school. They're hilarious! I agree with you, artwork on the older editions is much better.
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