And the winner is? Drey (who read my review of The Shack)! I'll be e-mailing her promptly.
Thank you everyone for playing!
Yup. It's that time again. Time for the quarterly Bloggy Giveaway. So here I am and I'm ready to giveaway some books! (What else did you expect now, really?) I've been reading a ton this year and have discovered that it IS true and you CAN have too many books. So why not use this opportunity to give some away to you?
First I'll tell you what I'm giving and then I'll explain how to enter this particular giveaway.
I'm giving away four books to one reader. The books in this package are all for women. These are all books I've read myself and approve of in various ways. I think they are worthy reads and I'm happy to pass them on to one lucky lady. They are as follows:

How to enter and win:
1. Look back over my archives and pick one book review - any will do - read it and leave a comment in this post telling me which review you read (and why);
2. OR you can just subscribe to my feed and tell me so;
3. Leave a valid e-mail address for me to contact you.
Contest open to U.S. residents only (sorry) and ends on Friday evening, October 31st. I will announce the winner and contact them the weekend of November 1st.
Rest assured I DO contact my winners and I WILL mail you your prize! (I can't stand it when I win something and it's never sent out. That's happened. But I promise it won't happen to YOU as a result of ME! Play nice people.)
The winner will be selected using a random number generator. The usual thing, you know!
Otherwise, have fun and happy reading! ;)
More giveaways at the Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival!
I've been following your blog for sometime because I too love to read. One of my favorite reviews was one that Jonathan wrote on Safely Home by Randy Alcorn. I liked this because it reminded me of just how lucky I am to be able to practice my faith how I choose, because soo many many people do not have that opportunity.
I have been subscribed to your blog for a bit. I enjoy it.
I read many of your reviews but the one review that has got me thinking is the....The Shack. It has lead me to read what Challis has to say and I am digging further. It is wise to know what one believes so that hopefully we can use good discernment. Thanks.
I subscribed!!!
Well, I'm already a subscriber, and have been for awhile! I love your review for "For the Family's Sake," by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay. It's one I've wanted to read for awhile.
Terrific books to giveaway.
I was scrolling through the archive, looking for a review here that I haven't read. :)
Found Walking From East to West.... WHY didn't I know this book existed?! I love Pastor Zacharias' ministry. The man is incredible. I'm running out to my book-list site to stick it on my tbr right now! :D
(In other words, thanks for reviewing it! :) )
Oh, and I think you already have my email, but here it is anyway:
I subscribed to your feed.
These look like interesting books.
parcelhome at comcast dot net
I ready your Fairacre review. Funny how we find books by accident! I'll have to come back and read your review for The Shack. I'm reading it right now and have been avoiding all reviews of it until I'm done! :o)
sj3girls AT hotmail DOT com
I read your review (over at 5minutesforbooks) "A treasure of Adoption Miracle" by Karen Kingsbury. I chose to read it because I am a fan of Karen Kingsbury books and one of my favorite books is by her "the dandelion dust" which is about the love of an adopted child. I've never heard of this book and after reading your review I am now interested in reading it, I'm puting it on my list! Thanks for entering me into your bloggy giveaway
I subscribed to you feed and look forward to following your blog.
I read your review of Foxe's Book of Martyrs because I've heard a lot about it recently and was interested in reading your perspective on it. I haven't read it and am not sure I could tolerate the tragedy very well. Your review was helpful. I would love to win your giveaway!
I read your review of A Treasury of Adoption Miracles. My family has been blessed by adoption and I am going to pick this book up as a gift.
I read you review on "The Shack". I've never heard of it, but it sounds strange! I also subsribed!
Hi - as I looked over the reviewed books, I decided that I'd like to subscribe to your blog, so I added you to my Google Reader.
Thanks for the contest! chappyandalexa [at] earthlink [dot] net
the shack mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom
I read your review on Three Cups of Tea. I happen to be a tea drinker and so this intrigued me. Was sorry to read that you just couldn't finish the book. I've read a few like that. I just can't get past chapter 5 or so.
I had to read your review on "Bears in my Bed" since I have a little one who I know would love it. He actually sounds just like the kid in the story, with a very active imagination. Plus, I love finding good books at garage sales!
Thanks for the giveaway, these books look wonderful.
I read your post on "jane Eyre" cause I've heard lot of positive reviews on it
I enjoyed reading your thoughts on it
Not sure if I would enjoy it
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com
These look like excellent books! I subscribed to your feed through Google reader.
smchester at gmail dot com
I read your review on The Shack because I have been wanting to read it for awhile. I think you have changed my mind and I will stay away from it!
elkmeese at yahoo dot com
I read the review of "For the Family's Sake" by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay. It really spoke to me, and I'm going to have to go get the book and read it myself, because right now I'm struggling with creating a home environment like she describes.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I read the review of I wish you a beautiful life..
I enjoyed the article, being a mom to a miracle child and pro-life I love to read about adoption stories.
I subscribed via Google reader. I just gave Lies Women Believe to a friend of mine- I figured sh needed it more than I did- so I would love to win.
Love your giveaway! I read your review on The Pastor's Wife because I have heard of her husbands book.
Wow.I read your review of The Shack. I have not read it yet but have a few friends that have and loved it.
I've just started reading other blogs about books & reading, & subscribed to yours based on the review for The Shack. You got me at "people are apt to say quite a lot while thinking quite a little."
I read your review of Jane eyre. I have never read it. Prolly not in the best state of mind to read it right now,
I really like your review for
For the Sake of the Family - it makes me want to run out and buy the book right now
The Shack..I read this one because I have the book but have not read it yet. Thanks for the giveaway.
I subscribed! I would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway!
Of Plymouth Plantation - You sneaky lady to not have to read it! I was laughing and nodding in agreement with the review though! I am so excited about your giveaway, as all of those books I have heard of as really good and can't wait to read them!
I read your thoughts of The Shack -- it's been in my bookshelf for months, but I can't get up the courage to embark upon it. So many conflicting opinions of it!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com
I read the review of Emily's Runaway Imagination because I love Beverly CLeary and had never heard of this book.
I read the review on Holes. I also mentioned how much my son loves Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb!
ericbrooks75 AT yahoo DOT com
This is such a great giveaway!
I read your review of Pride and Prejudice. I am actually planning on reading a Jane Austin book so I was interested in your opinion on the book!
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
I read your review on 'The Shack' because it's a book I've heard quite a bit about lately and my pastor mentioned it twice the other week and really touted it highly so my interest has really been piquing about it.
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
I loved your one about the Shack!
I just started to love reading, and these books would be great!
Wow you have TONS of reviews! I read the review of the Shack. Lots of people have recommended it to me but someone explained the premise to me and it kind of weirded me out. Your review is very balanced and I appreciate reading something real, not just the hype that everyone else is giving me.
onlycancan at hotmail dot com
I read you review of Bears in my Bed, because it looked like something that would be nice to read with my son. Thanks for the giveaway!
P.S. I’m giving away a subscription to Parents Magazine on my blog, so if you or someone you know might be interested, stop on by! :)
I read the review of For the Sake of the Family by Susan Schaeffer Macauley. :) Now I want to read it. :)
Thanks for the giveaway. I love books! I read your review on Jane Eyre. I have to say that I haven't seen the movie OR read the book, so I was very interested. Although, I may take even longer to get around to it, after hearing how depressing it all is. But maybe it's a story I could get into, anyway. Your review finally helps me understand what the story is all about.
I read several, but I was interested in Washington's Lady. I have not heard of the author-Moser- and am very interested in reading her books. History is so important and so easily ignored and forgotten. I think the story of Martha Washington gets somewhat lost in the story of her husband and would be very inspirational to all women. Thanks!
I just read your review of The Shack. I read it for Book Club, and I wanted to see what you had to say about it. We will actually have to agree to disagree on this one, because I actually liked it. :)
What a great selection of books!! I would love to read all of them.
I read your review of "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" because my ladies Bible study is just finishing it up. I was also touched by God's Grammar Rules and it was good to see them again.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I read your review of Beverly Cleary's Emily's Runaway Imagination. I just bought my daughter all the Ramona books for Christmas and now see I have a few more of Cleary's books to add. Thanks!
rrappohmystars at yahoo dot com
The Pumpkin Patch caught my eye since I'd love to collect books for my 11 mos old daughter describing different seasons. It's hard to find things about fall that don't bring in scary Halloween things.
I read your review of "The Shack" becuase I've been meaning to read that book for awhile.
Wow, you write great reviews! I read the one about R. C. Sproul's children's books because I'm a Christian homeschooler with a Bible-first philosophy, and I was curious about his children's books. You made me want to read them.
I just finished For the Family's Sake today. A friend had read For the CHildren's Sake and recommended it to me but when I went to the library to find it the only had this title by Susan so I grabbed it. I agree excellent book and really helps to motivate of the homemaking front. Gave me some excellent ideas. I think we will start reading as a family from chapter books in the evenings before bed. Having a nature walk daily is a great idea also. I am looking forward to reading For the Children's Sake now! Thanks for the give a way and I think I will be subbing for books recommendations in the future!
i am subscribing to your feed. i look forward to browsing your blog too!
I subscribed to you via google..hope I am not too late :-)
I choose you review of The Shack, by William Young...THANK YOU!! When this book came out what I read about it did not appeal to me. Then all the good reviews came out and I ended up of the fence. Should I or shouldn't I, the story still didn't appeal to me. So Thank you for your interview. I can get off the fence and not read it. Thanks:)
Theresa N
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