I did not become so dogmatic because of R.C. Sproul's teaching. Rather, I always found him to take a gentle and kind hearted approach to teaching scripture, while at the same time being incredibly insightful and assuming the best of his students. He assumes his public can handle the truth and so he goes about sharing it.
Therefore I was positively delighted to discover that he had written some children's books. The Prince's Poison Cup is a new release and is an allegory in which the king's only son must drink from a polluted and poisoned well in order to clean the water and make it fit for all the people to drink. It's a simplistic allegory on the one hand. On the other hand, some people try so hard to make simple gospel truth complex that the gospel gets written right out of the story! Not so in The Prince's Poison Cup. It's spot on.

The only drawback (if you consider it to be one!) that I took from these two books is that it is the grandfather figure who shares the stories involved in these books. No apparent problem there but the grandfather is the one to whom the parents in the book transfer the responsibility of sharing truth with their children. In both books the child asks a question that the parent decides that grandpa will do a better job answering. I don't necessarily mind this (on the whole) and I do appreciate the fact that we are to respect our elders and learn from them. My beef, if you will, is that children should be able to ask their parents the tough questions and find their answers there. To rephrase that - we as parents have a duty to learn truth so that we can teach it to our children. In a roundabout way, Sproul is giving us additional tools for parents to use to teach their children scriptural truths. I'm just giving you a "warning" about this particular aspect of the book and I don't personally consider it disturbing enough not to read and love with my own kids.
I enjoy children's picture books with morals attached. Jesus Himself taught us through parables so I'm all for finding new ways to share ancient truths. I think Dr. Sproul has done just that and I'm as pleased as anything to recommend them. It's hard to find children's literature that teaches solid Biblical truth without dumbing it down. Dr. Sproul again assumes the best and appeals to the best within the child to grasp the information and for that, I am incredibly grateful. Again.
Dr. Sproul has written a series of children's books which include the two I've mentioned above. You can find out more by clicking on the Ligoneer Ministries website here. A few additional titles are:
The King Without a Shadow
The Priest With Dirty Clothes (Due for release December 1, 2008.)
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