I'm familiar with N.D. Wilson to some extent. I attended the church his father pastored (although I'm quite certain N.D. didn't know it and his father wasn't really aware). I was entertained in his boyhood home and thrived on his father's good humor. I watched N.D. box once. If I had to compare N.D.'s writings to anyone else's, I would say that it most closely resembles his father's. They both have a way with the written word that is tastefully unique and draws me in time and time again.
I present, for example, the opening lines to Leepike Ridge:
"In the history of the world there have been lots of onces and lots of times, and every time has had a once upon it. Most people will tell you that the once upon a time happened in a land far, far away, but it really depends on where you are. The once upon a time may have been just outside your back door. It may have been beneath your very feet. It might not have been in a land at all but deep in the sea's belly or bobbing around on its back."
I found myself instantly drawn into the world of eleven-year-old Thomas Hammond who is sucked underground by a wild and unpredictable river. He finds himself inside a mountain with a dead man, a dog and eventually a castaway who has a closer relationship with him than he initially realizes. It's all about "buried" treasure, fame and fortunate and this book does not lack in any of those departments.
Although I know this book to be written by a Christian, you would in no way be able to guess that from the way Wilson writes. This story is for the fun of it. It is for the history of lost treasures and mysterious, ancient civilizations. It is clean, creative fun, pure (more or less) and simple.
There is no reason that a girl would not enjoy this book, although I fancy that a boy would be more drawn to the plot and good guys vs. the bad guys characters. Young Tom does find himself in the company of a corpse for a time which could make one's skin crawl a bit. However, it wasn't too disgusting and the corpse did bring its own hope offering. Just something to be aware of, more or less.
I found this book fun and enjoyable and I heartily recommend it! It's clean, it's fun and I look forward to reading more by N.D. Wilson, including his second release, 100 Cupboards.
Has anyone else visited Leepike Ridge? Leave a note if you have! I'd love to hear your opinion.
This sounds like a book my 10 year old son would like. I will have to get it for him.
What an amazing opening paragraph!
Sounds good. I'll have to put this on my "for Camden" list to get.
I really enjoyed this one. I read it last summer and reviewed it on my site.
Leepike was one of my top five favorite books of 2007. I bought two copies for the library where I work, and drag every MG boy to the Ws when they ask me for recommendations. :)
I enjoyed this book and gave it to my 10-yr-old daughter for Christmas last year. She loved it.
i read this book, it was amazing. the dead guy was not creepy and i'm a girl. when the cave flooded that was exciting i felt myself being pulled in to finish this book.
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