You've been talking and I've been listening. Lucy Maud Montgomery is my favorite author of all times. (Well, my favorite female writer. The favorite male writer being, of course, C.S. Lewis.) I have not only read everything L.M. Montgomery ever wrote but I also own everything she wrote (minus one non-fiction magazine article). I seriously love her writing and I'm not sure I can even say why, exactly, although I will certainly try.
Lucy Maud Montgomery had an active imagination. She must have taken herself on some wild personal adventures but she also provided her reader to escape to a magical place known as Prince Edward Island. The majority of her stories were set on Prince Edward Island. Because of that, about 8 years ago I traveled to that Island to see this world that Montgomery breathed out into her writing. I wanted to walk where she walked and see what she saw and wrote about in such an impacting way.

In the last little while I've been re-reading some of my favorite Montgomery short stories and several of you have commented that you haven't ever read Montgomery before or you haven't read very widely. I think it's time to change that, don't you? Whether you are planning on reading the Anne books for the first time or the fiftieth time, or wanting to read about Emily, Pat or a variety of characters in her short stories, I hope you will read something of Montgomery's.

The plan is simple
1. Pick the Montgomery book (or books!) that you most want to read and then read them during the first few weeks of January. I'll have a Mr. Linky up on January 1st through January 9th for you to link up to if you plan on participating in this challenge. All you need to have prepared on January 1st (or shortly thereafter) is a blog post pointing people back to the Mr. Linky post and challenge. If you'd like to say which books of Montgomery's you plan on reading during the challenge, do so then! There are a great many to choose from.
2. Come back on Friday, January 30th, 2009 and link up however many Montgomery related reviews/posts you like.
3. Visit around and see what everyone else had to say about the Montgomery books that they read and learn as much as you can about Montgomery and her writings. Visit with people about what they read and why. Fellowship and just be in this different world.
Why am I doing this? Because I love Montgomery and I think her writing is valuable and relevant. Also, I don't want to read her alone. (I mean, I would, but I don't really want to if I can have company along the way!) Let's do this together and start the year off in a magical way.
Will you join me? Hope so! SPREAD THE WORD and see you back here on January 1st!

Here's the code to add the button to your own blog if you would like to participate:
I LOVE Anne!! I'll have to give this some thought. My book list is growing very ambitious at a time when just one book is ambitious. I've only read her Anne books. What would you recommend that is shorter in length but I could probably find at the library?
Kilmeny of the Orchard is a quick 134 pages. The Doctor's Sweetheart and Other Stories is 190 pages but is broken down into short stories for an easier read.
Oh DO join in! You'd be so fun.
I still haven't had the chance to read the book you sent me....been in the midst of finishing a big one. But I might just break away from it for a couple of weeks and read The Blue Castle. :) I will come back and let you know...one way or the other. :) Thanks again for the book Carrie! I do want to read it, as I also like her books very much! :)
Count me in. I actually didn't own any of LMM's books until I received a couple hand-me-downs from a friend. I've not read these, so I think I'll start with them and maybe another Anne book. :)
Okay, I'm game! I went to PEI on my honeymoon (well, DH and I went, of course!). I have LOVED LMM from since I was in the sixth grade. I'm going to read Jane of Lantern Hill because I've never read it.
would you believe I've never read anne of green gables or any other montgomery book. Going on my wishlist.
Woo-hoo! I *think* I have every single LM Montgomery book (I tried to collect them all after college) so what to pick...?
Oh, I'm so in. :)
Oh my, I know a blogger who would love to publicize your Reading Challenge--she lives on Prince Edward Island and loves LMM!!
I will let her know. Her blog is A Sparrow's Home, at http://kathie.squarespace.com/journal/
I read through a slew of LMM paperbacks just a few years ago, so I'm not sure if I'm up for the challenge...but one of my favorites was The Blue Castle.
Great idea!
Hi Carrie,
I'm here via Jeanne, At A Hen's Pace - I'd love to join your challenge. I'll look over my collection and see which LMM book is calling my name for a re-read :)
Looking forward to the discussions!
OMGoodness, Carrie. Well, you've convinced me to drop the other book for about a week and read The Blue Castle. I am smack down in the middle of it and I started reading it last night. I LOVE it! There's SO much there.....I want my dust pile! ;)
Count me in, though I'm not sure what I want to read (I wonder if I know anyone who would make a recommendation?). I have the entire Anne series from my girlhood but maybe I should branch out?
I thought others might like to know I found Kilmeny on line! So if you can't make it to the library you can read from home. You'll find it here- http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/montgomery/kilmeny/kilmeny.html
What a great idea! I have so many books I want to read in 2009, so I don't know if I can swing it or not, but I am going to think about it!
I love Anne too- count me in
I love the Anne books. I never thought of reading anything else she wrote. I think I'll see if I can find The Blue Castle. Sounds intriguing.
Is it too late to join in? Also have you ever read any books by Miss Read (Doris Saint). I have been reading through my mother's 'Miss Read' books and love them. From the looks of your reading list you may like them also
Fun! I just received Kilmeny of the Orchard for Christmas!
I love all of her books! Tangled Web was very funny.
If i am not too late, I would love to join. I grew up on Anne of Green Gables, fantastic !! The Lord blessed me with 3 girls and at 5, 3 and 2, they are old enough to be introduced to Anne (with an E!). I have started reading them the tales and they are falling in love with the stories. it is wonderful to share these dear friends with them. This afternoon we watched some of the DVD, Megan Follows, Colleen Dewhurst, Richard Farnsworth and Jonathan Crombie really bring the characters perfectly to life, great casting.
If you like Richard Farnsworth in Anne of Green Gables, you should check out the film - The Straight Story, it's great.
I'm in! The only Anne book I've read is the first. So, I'll read Anne of Avonlea, and perhaps even Anne of the Island.
I'm going to the library at lunch...can't wait!
As a woman who named her youngest daughter Emilie Anne (after the Montgomery characters)and who feels that Montogomery's works were an influence in shaping her character and life, how could I not be in? I'm thrilled to join (if you'll have me) and look forward to reading the Emily books again this January. It was time for a Montgomery "fix" anyway. So glad to connect with others who appreciate her work.
I'll be reading *Jane of Lantern Hill*
Errrr, sorry, that's me. Emma_in_oz
I followed this link from Lisa Writes. I'm a Canadian who grew up reading Montgomery's work.
Have you read her autobiographical work "The Alpine Path?"
She was a very interestng woman. Recently, it was reported by one of her suriving grandchildren that she struggled with depression for a good many years.
Oh, I just found your site via...I don't know, but I already love it---LMM is my fave! Too bad I missed the challenge. I might pull Anne out anyway...
We just fished listening to this book on an unabriged recording. (My kiddos are too young to read these books yet and though I have the movie I will not let them watch it until they have read the books!) They will read this in JR High or Highschool. I love Anne & I hope my girls will too....
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