Tell me about the book that has been on your shelves the longest...

Are you really surprised at this point that Anne has been sitting on my shelf the longest? This is the only series or set of books that I have packed up and moved with me since the time I left home (Texas) and moved further west. The majority of my books stayed at my parents home until I married and then they shipped the books out to me. (My husband didn't think it'd be a big deal to have my books mailed out to me. Then they arrived and all of the boxes formed a huge pile and he thought he had never seen one person own so many books. And that was four years ago. I've added a lot of books to our home collection since then!) But Anne always has and always will be the nearest and dearest friend out of all my books.
Hence the Lucy Maud Montgomery Reading Challenge! (BTW! The selected journals arrived on Friday and I've been reading them all weekend. So I'll probably pop a review out on those in the near future.)
Tell me about a book that reminds you of something specific in your life (i.e. a person, a place, a time, etc.)...

Well, after Anne there's Narnia. I only just read the Narnia books for the first time a mere 2-3 years ago. My young (8 years old at the time) sister-in-law was getting started on the series and I thought it was absolutely ridiculous for her to have read the series before I did. So I recall submitting a "race" challenge to her (I won) and borrowed my in-laws books to read them for the first time. For the record, I now have my own set and re-read them again just recently.
Tell me about a book you acquired in some interesting way (gift, serendipity in a used book store, prize, etc.)...
My mind goes blank on this one. I get my books the usual way - by buying them myself. For the most people, people have stopped buying me books for gifts (by my request) because there's no way to know what I have and don't have, have read and not read, etc. (I'm becoming difficult in my old age.)
Tell me about the most recent addition to your shelves...
Montgomery's journals arrived on Friday but then the following book arrived on Saturday, making it my most recent, recent addition:

Tell me about a book that has been with you to the most places...
Anne. See supra.
Tell me about a bonus book that doesn't fit any of the above questions...

Mistaken Identity which was reviewed by Melissa over at 5 Minutes for Books. It's the next book (in an admittedly long line) that I really want to read (badly).
Now for The Rules
1. Tag 3-5 people, so the fun keeps going!
2. Leave a comment at the original post at A Striped Armchair, so that Eva can collect everyone’s answers.
3. If you leave a comment and link back to Eva as the meme’s creator, she will enter you in a book giveaway contest! She has a whole shelf devoted to giveaway books that you’ll be able to choose from, or a bookmooch point if you prefer.
4. Remember that this is all about enjoying books as physical objects, so feel free to describe the exact book you’re talking about, down to that warping from being dropped in the bath water…
5. Make the meme more fun with visuals! Covers of the specific edition you’re talking about, photos of your bookshelves, etc.
I tag the hostesses of the following blogs:
1. Hope is in the Word
2. True Harbor
3. Library Hospital
4. Stephanie's Mommy Brain
5. Dwell in Possibility
Have fun!
I saw the special on Dateline over X-Mas about the girls in the "Mistaken Identity" story - heart wrenching on so many levels.
How do you have an 8 year old sister-in-law?!
Thanks for tagging me (does anyone ever say that?!?). Seriously--I've never been tagged. Now I feel like I really belong! : )
This is one I'll have to think about!
All right -- I'm on it! :) I'll try to post my stuff today or tomorrow.
Some good books there. I've been grabbing a few books here and there from my parents' house each time I'm there. At Thanksgiving I grabbed my Anne of Green Gables books. I know I had a lot more, but it's just a matter of taking them off my mother's hands...
I have the Anne of Green Gables books on my shelf too. My very cool older sister bought them for me when she got a job in high school. She used to take me to the bookstore and say, "I'll get you one thing - anything you want." Of course I would pick up anthologies and complete works. I was a kid, so I kind of took advantage of her generosity. I think I need to send her a retroactive thank you note. :)
Link coming! :)
Here ya go, Carrie! :)
Fun meme. My Anne series is in such bad shape - no box anymore and my favorite of the series (Windy Poplars) is well-taped together.
I have just read Anne of Green Gables to my girls (as part of your reading challenge) and am now reading the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. They are falling in love with the stories, which is a joy to see.
Mistaken Identity sounds interesting, I read the review at 5 minutes for books, will add this to my reading list for 09 - thanks.
Well, I finally did it:
Thanks for tagging me -- it was a lot of fun to go through my bookshelves and think about the books I have.
Okay, that was the wrong link. I seriously need to remember what I've copied before I paste. Here's the correct one:
Now see -- you wanted to cancel "I Read It" but you always have several books you can post up!!
Btw, I always always forget you grew up in TX.
Thanks for the link! (Again) = ) This week will be MUCH slower for me - I hope. Maybe I'll get some actual writing done!
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