
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Giggles Software & Giveaway

THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED! RANDOM.ORG SELECTED MAYBE MAMA AS THE WINNER. (And she won by subscribing and leaving that second comment!) CONGRATS! And thank you all for participating!

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

As many of you are aware, I'm branching out a bit with this site and am beginning to explore things that will engage my two year old son and foster a love of learning. Enter: Giggles Software for Babies. This company has to be one of the most amazing providers of children's computer programs out there. Designed for babies 6 months through 36 months old, they are made for you to pop into your computer (PC or Mac) and then sit back and relax, pretty much! Your child can whack away at any key on the computer keyboard and no harm will come to your it. (For a non-technie like me - this is particularly encouraging.)

In honor of Bloggy Giveaways, we thought we'd talk about these computer programs now and offer a giveaway.

My son, being two, and would really like to be able to use the computer "just like mommy and daddy!" My husband browsed online and found the Giggles Software for Babies company and we checked out their work.

In our home - this is a hit. In two days, our son had learned how to navigate the program with the mouse. He could run the whole show all on his own and loved doing it. He is most particularly fond of the My Animal Friends program as with the touch of a few buttons he can make puffer fish puff, lightening bugs light up, penguins slide and cats and dogs rain down from the sky. He can tour a farm, a zoo and go on a safari. And the best thing!? He can do it ALL. BY. HIMSELF!

(Ok, I should point out here that since the time my son was born he has wanted to be in constant physical contact with us. You know how you can put most little babies in a swing and they'll coo and play and let you get your household chores done? Not our kid. For the first six months of his life he refused to take a nap unless he was being held or was asleep on the couch right next to us. Even now he always wants to "play [with] mommy!" or "play [with] daddy!" To find a toy that he will play with on his own is an indescribable gift - to us! To LEARN while playing - well, that's the added bonus!)

I'm delighted that Giggles also produces a game specifically for ABC's and 123's. We can sing our alphabet and count to 20 but having something that engages his imagination and helps to make a connection from the alphabet song that we're singing and its various usefulness is something I appreciate. As he is nearing 2 and a half, I've been focusing more on what sounds individual letters make and we've been working on letter identification so this program is particularly useful if not just plain enjoyable.

But even more so, I can get excited about the fact that this company has generously offered to give away one copy of each of their four software programs to one of you. One of you will win the following:

1. My Animal Friends.
2. ABC's and 123's.
3. Shapes.
4. Nursery Rhymes.

Winning qualifications:

1. You must be a U.S. Resident to win.

2. You must visit the Giggles Software website and come back and share something that you learned about the software.

3. You can win an extra entry by browsing my blog, reading one of my book reviews, and coming back to this post to tell me what it is that you particularly enjoyed (or did not enjoy!) about one of my reviews. If you decide to do that, just leave one extra comment OR you can subscribe to my blog. If you do that, leave a comment saying so. (If you are already a subscriber to my blog AND you leave frequent enough comments so that I clearly know who you are, just leave two comments and we'll call it good. I know who you are and we're friends. I trust you. ;)

The contest will be open until Thursday evening, January 29th, so make sure and leave a comment (or two!) before then.

In the meantime, even if you don't win I do encourage you to check out Giggles Website as they are amazing company with an amazing product. As I've begun to explore educational toys to help our son find learning exciting, this product is currently ranking up near the top of the list.

(And, of course, you can check out more Bloggy Giveaways by clicking here.)


Beth said...

This software looks great. I went and watched a couple of videos about the program and my 9 month old did her little jig when she heard the music. I like the fact that it locks the rest of computer up so they can't do anything to hurt it. I think I may download the free trial and try it out with her. Thanks for the information.

Erin Lowmaster said...

I learned that the motto to the company is:

Smile – Play – Learn – Laugh – Love ™

Anonymous said...

I like how it protects the computer and files while he just has fun tapping away!
My son Loves my computer keyboard so he would love this too!

Keely said...

Ok, this is just what I've been looking for! My son LOVES to play on the computer, and I've only found one website that has games for him. I love that he can hit any key and something will happen...but nothing that will destroy my stuff :-)

Michelle said...

I learned they have software coming out under the giggles advanced brand for special needs kids - that really interests me!

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

Oh -- pick me! Pick me! I learned that it's widescreen compatible, so it'll look great on our Mac.

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

Oh, and of course, I already subscribe to you, and I think you know who I am. :)

Unknown said...

I learned that the software comes in both English and Spanish versions.
elizardbreath8 at yahoo dot com

Gene and Annie said...

It looks like so much fun and my kids are always asking to get on the computer so it would be a fun way to let them! I learned about the founder Tim who was a father himself, who wanted a way to teach his young son about the computer!

Carrie said...

I learned that something fun happens when the kids press a key, any key! And that there are 14 adorable activities!

fancyfeet48 said...

I learned that the software comes in both English and Spanish

okaat said...

I learned that this software has won many awards! congratulations.

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

I like that they are developing software not only for older toddlers but also for special needs kids. That's great!

Dee said...

This is AMAZING! My 17 month old son LOVES touching the keyboard and I learned by doing that he can bring the screen to life! I am also pregnant with my second so they could have so much fun with this together!!

Thanks so much for the chance!

Dana said...

My daughter always wants to play on the computer like us. This would be great for her!


one frugal lady said...

Cool! I like how it comes in both English and Spanish, where we live, knowing Spanish is a must!

Amy said...

I learned that I can get a free trial! Thanks for posting about this company! Great find - would love to win!

jenny said...

wow this looks like it would be realy grate and well please enter me in i love to try and win this it may help my little one start talking thanks oh i know have you on my feed list as well

Lindsey said...

Something I learned (and this really is brilliant) is that the software protects the rest of the computer from little toddler hacker hands.

My son is a pro at deleting important files or password protecting things with one swift pass of the hand.

Anonymous said...

You do not know how happy I was to hear about this product thanks for offering it. I have a little guy who is so curious about the pc. He has turned it on and off changed the color on me and on and on. I tried him with a few games but he just gets frustrated and ends up crying but then cries when I make him stop. I was excited to see that a father with the same issues developed this product. That tells me that he knows my needs. lol

Homeschooling mom of 6

punkinmama said...

Sounds like your son and mine are very similar (napping on you while an infant, wanting to play only with mommy or daddy - or both if we're both home, etc.).
Anyway, I learned that touching any key makes something happen on the screen - very rewarding for kids who don't know how to use a computer yet!
Would love to try this out!

Jodi said...

I love this site, my toddler would enjoy this so much, plus USA today gave them a perfect gold star rating.


ABCD Diaries said...

the software comes in english and spanish...what a neat idea!! thanks!

The Dreamer said...

love that there is an english or spanish version. My son loves to play on the computer so it would be awesome to know my files are protected when he plays.


adams006 at hotmail dot com

LadyBug-Kellie said...

I love that to play my daughter woul donly have to touch one key - any key! She is 20 months old and wants to play & learn with computer games but I have to do all the navigating still which frustrates her.

Lori said...

They have won the media of the year award for the last two years from Creative Kids. My son loves the computer so this would be great.


Lori said...

I liked you Faerie Queene review. I've never read the Cliff's Notes to it, but I think that it seeemed to have helped a bit. I fell in love with Queen Elizabeth, so of course I love Faerie Queene, in the way that someone would love Jelly Bellys because Ronald Regan did. Book two is really hard, I got a few pages in and stopped. In Jasper Fforde's Thursday Next series, the only way Thursday can die is by reading all twelve books of the Faerie Queene. When you're done with your classics list, I recommend Ffordes series, funny and light!


Anonymous said...

my daughter is really getting into computers!

Unknown said...

"Since it's release, Giggles Computer Funtime For Baby™ has been purchased and used by children in over 60 countries around the world"
Sounds like a wonderful product and would love to try it. Thanks for the opportunity

Audra said...

What a great product! I was very impressed by how many awards they have recieved for it. On a side note it was nice to know that my little guy is not the only cling to mom and dad kid out there! Thanks so much for the AWEsome give-oh-way! audrajjensen (at) msn (dot) com

Lori A. said...

This looks great! My nephew would enjoy it. It's awesome that it locks out your computer so they can't "accidently" delete anything. :)

ljatwood at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I like that this was created by a dad who wanted something for his kids. I also like that they are developing Giggles Computer Funtime For Toddlers. :)

thanks for a terrific giveaway.


Unknown said...

i LOVE that they target such a young age 6-24mos! most products i see are for preschoolers - i wish i had known about this for my 2 yo!

Mommyhood is Thankless said...

USA today gave them a perfect gold star rating!


Anonymous said...

looks great !

please enter me :) i learned that it was a dad who created the software

thanks, luckymatt5 AT gmail DOT com

Stacy said...

I learned that it locks you computer so they can touch any key. That is awesome. My daughter loves to play on the computer but is always pushing the wrong buttons and I'm constitantly having to fix something.

Giulianna @ Family Blueprint said...

OH would keep my youngest princess from crashing our computer all the time while playing with educational and SAFE content??? This sounds amazing to me. My youngest begs to use the computer like her older siblings, but she just has this amazing knack to crash it every time. LOL!

This would be a great way to keep her busy while I am homeschooling some of her older siblings.

Thank you!

Giulianna @ Family Blueprint said...

I forgot all about the I AM BUNNY book. I had that back when I was a tot (an that was a while least 2 years ago). I did not even know who Richard Scary was when I was kid, not until I started having kids. I did not realize he wrote/illustrated that book too. Now I am so curious!


It earned the 2007 + 2008 Media of the Year award from Creative Child magazine

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

ABCs and 123s.

What a great company, and with my 1 and 2 year old.. and my boyfriends 4 year old son.. .this would be a wonderful thing for them!

Estelle said...

I learned that this company's software has won them 10 awards. I think it looks like a really fun program for little ones.

Gretel said...

This is awesome! I didnt know there is software for kids as young as 6 months! I like the fact that the software will allow your child to hit any key and it wont effect anything.

TeachinAuntie said...

Hey this is AWESOME! I learned the company's motto:
Smile – Play – Learn – Laugh – Love ™
There is a webpage that offers a free service for babies. It's not educational, but it is fun. My niece loves it, so I'm sure if I'm lucky enough to win she'd REALLY love this software!

Anonymous said...

Wow! This looks really cool! Looking at their site, I learned that some of the activities have a baby mode and a toddler mode so it can "grow" with them. I've been telling my husband we needed to find something like this!
mi_chellemybelle at yahoo dot com

Kaycee said...

I enjoyed the video showing all it could do. I really like that it locks out the rest of your computer and files so nothing can get harmed. My daughter would love this and I would also love to take it in for my toddler class that I teach.

kayceewilliams at gmail dot com

Kaycee said...

I subscribed via google reader (you are on my homepage!)

kayceewilliams at gmail dot com

noreen said...

they are developing software for special needs kids

crystal said...

I love the fact that the program protects your system & files while your toddler is using the program on your computer! Talk about ease of mind!

torinem said...

I like the that it locks the rest of computer up so they can't do anything to mess it up.

Unknown said...

I love that it's safe and can't mess up anything else on the computer. And I'd be interested in more info about the special needs software! How cool.

The Bells said...

That's awesome that it prevents Mommy & Daddy's files from being messed up!!!

Thanks for the giveaway!!



kristina e said...

i learned that fun things happen when you touch any key!!!!!!!!!How cool is that

kristina e said...

i love the faerie queen review because queen elizabeth is so exquisit

kristina e said...

i subscribed you to my google homepage!!!!!

Teri said...

This looks so awesome! I love that the computer becomes indestructible while this program is in use (well, the computer insides, anyway!!)

Momnerd said...

I can't believe I haven't heard of this before now. I have twin 21 month olds and they always want to play on the computer. They have shut it down on me many times. One thing I learned is that "since it's release, Giggles Computer Funtime For Baby™ has been purchased and used by children in over 60 countries around the world." What an amazing company!

Momnerd said...

I perused your blog a bit, I LOVE books so I'm excited to have found it. I have got to get the Shark book and puppet for my preschoolers. We love story time and they love it when I get out the puppets. You have read quite a few of my favorites. By the way, I would love to subscribe but I only read ones I can email subscribe to. But I couldn't find a way here. If you get that add me in! THanks!

Anonymous said...

I like the lock out feature to protect your files.
vickers at comcast dot net

JoyFilled said...

Wow, how neat! I've never heard of this. I love the "key tapping" games...those are so handy for letting the little ones get their "computer fix." ;)

JoyFilled said...

I subscribed!

~ Doreen said...

I learned about all the awards the company/software has received - very impressive!

Nicole said...

I really like that they can push any key and something happens. I'd definitely have to switch my keyboard since I have sleep and volume buttons on it.

Donna M. Clark said...

I learned that their software is 100% compatible with Windows Vista, which is good, because it seems hardly anything else is. I also like the fact that everything is locked up so no damage can be done. Now if only they could design something for adults like that.

Chantelle said...

This is so cool!!! I love that it works with Macs. and the ABC one looks great! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

chantellesabino at mac dot com

Beth said...

I really enjoyed your post on Mr. Wilmer by Robert Lawson. Of course, my library doesn't have it, so I will on the lookout for it or order from Amazon. I think my son would definitely enjoy it since he really enjoyed Dr. Dolittle.


found out there are english and spanish versions

Crystal Sixberry said...

I learned that it is 100% compatible with Windows Vista!

Homemaker said...

I am always scared to let my son touch our computer because I am always scared that he is going to press a key that is going to mess something up or accidently delete a file or pictures. But I love that these programs locks out the system and protects your computer and files. I would be at ease to know that nothing will be messed up. My son is just starting to count and the ABC & 123 one would be perfect for him.

chani said...

It protects your computer from curious fingers on the keys, how fantastic!

chani.adams (at) gmail (dot) com

Katrina said...

I like how it locks the computer so they can't mess anything up. =) I would love to win this! Thanks!

Liz McCoy said...

it's great that the software was made by a dad too cool!

Anonymous said...

Locks out your system, and protects your files. Way Cool!

Anonymous said...

Locks out your system, and protects your files. Way Cool!

Veronica said...

With letting my toddler play on the computer lately, I would definitely love to have this. I love how it protects the computer when he is banging away on the laptop. Thanks for a great giveaway :)

Unknown said...

Wow, This software has been used in over 60 countries around the world. It looks great!
bryansgirl_1979 at hotmail dot com

Miranda Ward said...

USA today gave them a perfect gold star rating

Kimberly Gail said...

It was designed to be age-appropriate and also ease parent's minds that their computer and valuable files were safe from baby's curious fingers.

It looks fun and I think my son would love it!

Kimberly Gail said...

i also subscribed!

The Mom said...

I love that it comes in English and Spanish for our bilingual household!


Kiy said...

We have been looking for something like this! They all look really great, but right now our little gal is really (and I mean really into animals. I am sure that would more than keep her entertained. Thank you for the great tip, we are going to look into these (and hey, if we win one we can buy a different one!).

Cheers, Kiy

Kiy said...

So, for another entry I wandered through your book reviews. I especially loved the children's classics section. I can't believe I forgot all about Hands, Hands, Fingers, Toes! I am going to go and put that on our amazon wish list right now!

Cheers, Kiy

GoneGirl said...

Oh my gosh, this is great! I found out it locks your system so they can touch the keys! My son always wants to bang on the keyboard! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...
I would lOVE this! I love that the baby can hit any key and not do damage to the computer! I have a two year old and a 4 month old and the computer is a central part of our home. This would be used ALL THE TIME!

Godesseablu said...

I learned how the software locks your computer while your little one can press any key and it makes them feel smart and teaches them new things. Thanks,

Stefani @ said...

I learned that babies can tap on the keyboard for fun things to happen!

Stefani @ Mom's Work At Home Blog

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

I love that the software protects your computer from wandering clicks! I know my 3 year old likes to type and click like crazy, and I'm always scared something bad will happen. What a great program! Thanks for the great giveaway!
P.S. I've got a giveaway on my blog as well, feel free to check it out!

Anonymous said...

I didn't even know that such software existed! Wow. Thank you for the information and the great giveaway.

Unknown said...

my toddler likes to tap and click on the computer and been looking for something like this for awhile. I stumbled this so IF I don't win maybe i could buy it for her. I like the fact that it doesn't mess with your computers files and that it comes in windows & mac all on one cd

Janet said...

My 3 year old loves being on the computer as did her older sibbies. I like that babies only have to tap a key and they get results. Great gift idea for my 4 grandchildren. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

i like the fact that each one has so many songs. my little boy looooves music.

Anonymous said...

I love that the age range is so big...6 to 24 months.


c allen said...

thank you! i like that this comes with a free trial and that it will make my computer safe for my child.

Jinxy and Me said...

I learned that it's good for very young kids -starting at 6 months.

Erica G said...

It is the 2007 and 2008 Meedia of the Year Award winner for Creative Child Magazine. Thanks for the giveaway!

babychooch (at) gmail {dot} com

Lori M said...

Hey they have free shipping over 24.99. Like free shipping.

scrappylori at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I like that you can buy it online or in person at one of the many stores that carry the product.

Suzie Williams said...

I like that it prevents kids from accessing the rest of the computer. My daughter often finds her way out of her games by hitting certain keys.

Sincerely Yours said...

These programs look great. I have a 2 year old son and I am so glad to learn about this. He sees his 6 year old sister playing on the computer and always want to play but I don't have anything age appropriate for him. I went to the website and learned about the software and I also love the fact that when the programs are on, the rest of the computer is safe.

Amy L. said...

This software received 5 out of 5 stars from USA today. It's looks like a great learning tool for babies & toddlers.

Anonymous said...

Their motto is awesome! Smile – Play – Learn – Laugh – Love ™
ashlomb at yahoo dot com

Sarah said...

I love that it locks out the system and my computer and files wouldn't get harmed! My daughter would love this! As well and the sounds!


Anonymous said...

I learned that they have 14 tapping activities.

moochiness (at) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said...

I learned that they are developing a software series for toddlers ages 2yrs to 4yrs old called Giggles Computer Funtime For Toddlers, by daughter would love that!

Unknown said...

I just subscribed to your blog via Google Reader. I am looking forward to reviewing your blog posts, Thanks!

Tinyblessing said...

They are also developing a software for toddlers, which I look forward to!

Lori said...

I love the fact that it locks your computer so they can touch any key.

JD said...

they have software coming out for special needs kids

jdmimi at gmail dot com

Tuckersmomi said...

I learned the motto:
Smile – Play – Learn – Laugh – Love ™

mindy said...

i learned that it had a lockout feature thanks for the giveaway

Buki Family said...

my son can touch the keyboard (which he loves) and i dont have to worry about my files being messed up (whish i love!)

Shalyse said...

This software looks really great and fun! I learned that you can get a free trial and also that they have free coloring pages on their website!

JenniferB said...

I learned that each time you press a key something exciting happens.

JenniferB said...

I am already a subscriber. I have gotten lots of great ideas for new books to read. THANKS!

Riannon said...

My little one loves to plunk on the computer so the fact that it stops any other activity while he watches in nice!

Estela said...

It really is nifty in that it "locks" your computer so that important files stay safe and your little one can't erase important docs!

Anonymous said...

Love that they can use any key on the keyboard, the "baby games" internet sites don't work that way.

Anonymous said...

Looks great. I learned that the software is compatiable with Windows Vista. Always important to check!

audymoo AT yahoo DOT com

chazvgo said...

I learned that the software requires virtually no computer experience to operate by the parent, and absolutely NO experience for your baby to use.

giggling kids said...

I learned that it is entertaining, playful, fun, and educational.

covercover said...

I learned that I can get a free trial!
Thanks :)

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