
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

And I will adore You

I don't think I've ever heard a worship song that makes me think of Heaven as much as this one does. I'd not heard it before until yesterday and I can't get it out of my head.

It's soft, smooth and worshipful. Turn the volume up.

For me, this song paints a perfect vision of loveliness. I see dancers. I see ribbons. I see so much movement swirling around a central figure. I don't know what to say except this song thrills me with satisfaction.


  1. Your site is looking wonderful. Thanks for the song.

  2. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Oh, I love this song; we sing it sometimes at church. It is so powerful.

  3. I heard this song for the first time last weekend at the Bible quiz meet. It is BEAUTIFUL! It was even more amazing to me because I'm just finishing up a long study of Revelation.

  4. Okay, true confession: I rarely play embedded videos. Don't know why, I just don't. Today I did and you are so right; it's a beautiful song reflective of the beauty and majesty of our King. Thanks for sharing! I worshiped, like you, with thrills and satisfaction...
