
Monday, March 23, 2009

Quiz Monday (because it's Monday and I don't want to think)

Which Literature Classic am I?

Umberto Eco: The Name of the Rose. You are a mystery novel dealing with theology, especially with catholic vs liberal issues. You search wisdom and knowledge endlessly, feeling that learning is essential in life.

This result is ironic, considering the fact that I really despised this book and was unable to get past the first few chapters before giving up on it. Want to find out which classic you are? Go here.

What Book Should I Read Next?

I found this site that will recommend a "good book" for you to read. You put in the title of a book that you have enjoyed reading and then it will come up with a list of suggestions. It's so wrong. So, so wrong. It gave me a list of authors I have tried and failed with. I typed "The Mysterious Benedict Society" and its top suggestion was Edgar Allen Poe. WHAT!? I typed in "Anne of Green Gables" and it noted an error and asked me if I actually meant to say "Anne of Avonlea." It's top recommendations were other books by LMM. Oh help me.

What Literary Character are You Most Like?

You're Jean Valjean from Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo. You were unjustly imprisoned for 19 years, and when you got out, you devoted your life to helping others around you, while at the same time you evaded authorities. You helped a prostitute's daughter, and forgave all your enemies. You died at a nice old age, with your loved ones at your side. Aww.

Yeah. 48% of the people got this result and I think I know why. At any rate, if you are interested in finding out who YOU are like, go here.

Which Lucy Maud Montgomery Hero Are You?

Find out who you are here.


  1. This seriously looks fun. I think I'll have to break my blogging break for a quick quiz post!

    (It is interesting that you ended up with The Name of the Rose, but looking over the quiz, I think the results are highly rigged. I doubt very seriously that the quiz writers really included a huge variety of literary options.)

  2. Yeah, you're not the only one who gave up on Echo. I tried three times, watched the movie, was hard. Not just because of the content, but because of the language! It's hard reading when you have to stop to look up every other word.

  3. P.S. I got every answer the same as you (not too much a surprise there). And I kept getting errors too for the book recommend site. Darn!

  4. I got all the same answers, too. Obviously we're either extremely kindred spirits, or the quizzes aren't terribly comprehensive--perhaps both? ;)

  5. That book suggestion tool is pretty comical. I put in Oliver Twist and got Poe, too. Really, who likes Poe???
