
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

5 Minutes for Books

Classics Bookclub

Today, over at 5 Minutes for Books, we're talking about Around the World in 80 Days. It's my turn to lead the Classic Bookclub discussion which means I read the book this time and got "the talk" going. It also means that on Thursday evening I get to talk on the phone with Jennifer, Lisa & Stephanie (for the first time!) to discuss the book in more detail. Then at the end of this week you can visit 5 Minutes for Books again to hear our podcast and find out what my voice sounds like (if you don't already know). I'm kind of excited about our topic of conversation (and am growing increasingly more so). Or maybe it's just that I'm excited about getting to talk to these ladies on the phone! Don't know, but visit again towards the end of the week to hear about that AND a board game I found to go along with the book.

I'm also very excited because I just finished reading the book Margaret Mitchell and John Marsh: The Love Story Behind Gone With the Wind to review for 5 Minutes for Books. Jennifer then asked me to do a Books on Screen review of Gone With the Wind so over the course of the past week I've been revisiting this old story of mine that comes with lots of memories attached. You can be on the look out for that! (I'll twitter it when it goes up.)

Some additional books I've reviewed lately at 5 Minutes for Books that I've really enjoyed:

Choosing Forgiveness, by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Usborne Lift the Flap Books

Fireflies in December, by Jennifer Erin Valent

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I love being a staff reviewer for 5 Minutes for Books! It just opens up so many opportunities to meet amazing women who really inspire me to be a better wife and mother! It opens up the world of books as well, exposing me to all kinds of new thoughts and adventures. I am both grateful and I'm having tons of fun!


  1. Wow, you've been a reading machine, Carrie! : ) (As if you aren't ALWAYS a reading machine!)

    I can't wait to hear the podcast, even if I didn't get to read the book this time. ; )

  2. I was sad to see my library doesn't have Fireflies in December. Maybe I can request it.

    The Margaret Mitchell book sounds good. I adore GWTW.

    P.S. - I've been thankful for the opportunity to get to know you through 5M4B.

  3. While I didn't read this one, I can't wait to listen to the podcast to hear your lovely voice! :) Have fun recording it!

  4. Looking forward to the podcast! :)
