Welcome to my biblioblog!
My name is Carrie and I wear a lot of different hats: wife, mother, friend, reader, watercolor artist, traveler, etc. This space is all about books. Well, mostly. I share pieces of myself when talking about books so pull up a chair and let's chat!
Bookworm1 is multi-talented. He loves books and he loves music and the imagination has kicked in gear full-force! He can make a violin out of thin air when necessary! But in this case, it wasn't necessary.
Oh, please participate more than just this once! This is ADORABLE!!
I fully understand the need to participate, with a great pic like that!
Simply adorable. More, please!
Very cute!
What a cutie!
Love the pic Carrie! He sure is a cutie!
How incredibly precious!! He has good taste. :-)
Oh, I love it! He is so adorable, and this picture is fantastic!
What a great photo! Adorable!
Oh, I love this photo, thank you for sharing it.
I've been trying to get my son interested in playing a musical instrument as his father plays two really well, but he's just too little to understand!
How sweet! I love that he has it backwards!! But looking at how he's sitting makes my knees hurt!
I love it. Too precious.
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