If you remember, this past December I read through the entire Chronicles of Narnia series before Christmas. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the entire series - even though it was done in one week (which was, quite frankly, exhausting and overwhelming). At the end of the week I was happy to say that I had revisited the books and had refreshed my memory as the stories. However, I also knew that I hadn't spent enough time with each individual title, and purposed to spend more quality time with each portion of Aslan's story at a future moment. I also decided (privately) that I'd like to create a Chronicles of Narnia Reading Challenge and invite others to read about Narnia along with me. (This idea is similar to my L.M. Montgomery Challenge which I hosted for the first time this past January and will host again in January 2010.) I was planning to host the Chronicles of Narnia Reading Challenge in December but figured summer was just as good a time as the Christmas holidays! Perhaps it's even better timing.
So here is what I invite you to do:
In keeping with the spirit of the Lucy Maud Montgomery Challenge, I leave the Narnia Challenge rules fairly wide open.
In short, spend as much or as little time in Narnia as you would like!
There are seven books in the Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis. (I'm listing them in the order that Lewis numbered them and the links lead to my reviews of December 2008.)
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Prince Caspian
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Silver Chair
The Horse and His Boy
The Magician's Nephew
The Last Battle
You are perfectly welcome to read one book or the whole series! Perhaps you'd just like to make family nights movie nights for a month and watch various adaptations of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe which have been translated to film. That's your call. I merely extend the invitation into Narnia to you and you may explore it to whatever your heart's content. The only thing I ask is that you write up a blog post sharing what you have learned while in Narnia to share with the group at large.
Sign up will be Friday, June 19th. Come back here to Reading to Know and I'll have a Mr. Linky ready to go. Link up so that we'll know that you are participating in the Chronicles of Narnia Reading Challenge and we'll be set!
The challenge will conclude on Tuesday, July 17th. At that point in time I will put another Mr. Linky up. You are invited to link up all the blog posts that you have written up over the course of the Reading Challenge (June 19th - July 17th). If you bloged about a particular character from the series, or a book, a movie, a song, or whatever! Come back and share your thoughts on July 17th. (I'll, of course, post reminders from time to time.)
In the meantime, what's to do? SPREAD THE WORD! Blog about it, Twitter it, Pass it Along!

Here is the code for the button (which currently leads to this post):
<a href="http://www.readingtoknow.com/2009/05/chronicles-of-narnia-reading-challenge.html"><img alt="Chronicles of Narnia Reading Challenge" src="http://www.bluecastlephoto.com/misc/chronicles-of-narnia.gif" border="0" /></a>
I hope you'll join in!
Further Up and Further In!
Now, this I might just do since I've only read the first of the series.
I've needed a boost to read the ones I've never read before. This sounds like the ticket!
Of course you know I've GOT to have that beautiful button on my blog!
I'm in! I'm in! I'm in! : )
I have been meaning to read this series. I am guessing, now is the time for me as you are holding a challenge.
I will be signing up.
I'll have to think about this. While I don't think Narnia is the best of Lewis (I like the Space Trilogy better), I really enjoy those books.
Not that I have time, but this is something I would really like to do. Somehow I knew the stories as a child, but never read them. I bought a great omnibus book and started in and I think I've stopped in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader (sp?). I really need to read these all. I hope I can!
Thanks for this!
My daughters have been telling me I should read these books for a long time. I've read "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" but not the others. We've watched the DVD's countless times and anticipate the release of the next one. This will give me a reason to get on the stick and read the books. For Narnia!!!
I was planning on reading this whole series during the summer holidays (from June 20th here), I going to try and start a little easrly and get a few read for this challenge
I need to join another challenge like I need a bullet to the head, but oh well I love Narnia so count me in!
Carrie, I have to leave for Ireland on vacation on Saturday so I'm giving you the link to my blogposts on Narnia today. I hope that's okay. I've loved doing this challenge even though I didn't get to "The Silver Chair" and "The Last Battle". I plan to read them when I return from vacation.
Anyway, here's my link:
Hope the challenge is a success for everyone else - it certainly was for me!
Oooh! It's a pity I just came across this today! (clicking through so many blogs I won't detail the path)
I love the Chronicles of Narnia! I've lost track of the number of times I've read them! And what a coincidence, I just popped in the first movie dvd for my little 8 year-old cousins to discover this weekend, and then watched Prince Caspian on my own last night! lol!
I'll have to go browsing through your blog to see what others have shared about their adventures through Narnia!
Do you have a Mr. Linky on another post? I've been reading through the books - you'll be so proud. I actually started Voyage of the Dawn Treader yesterday!
count me in thanks
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