
Friday, October 09, 2009

Friday's Fave Five

Suzanne at Living to Tell the Story hosts this carnival every Friday for people to list their five favorite things for the week. For me, it's a good chance to review my blessings. My five top blessings are contained in five songs and I won't explain them all in detail. They are just speaking loudly to me now.

1. I will lift my hands because He is who He is.

I say "Amen!" to that.

(I hadn't heard this song sung by this female artist before but I liked the introdutory thunderstorms very much!)

2. Steve Green isn't big on music videos, apparently, so this is a concert shot of "We Believe."

3. If we're very still, we can know that God is in this place. He meets us where we are and He speaks to that. Beyond the music. Beyond the noise.

4. Faithful friends. Enough said there!

5. Blessed reminders of the most faithful of friends....

Have a fabulous and very blessed weekend.



Barbara H. said...

I don't think I've heard any of these, but music does uplift and speak to my heart.

Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

All very good reasons to be thankful, Carrie1

TXDidi said...

Those are such great songs. I particularly love #1, 3, and 4. And great messages in them all, too. Thanks for sharing them with us.


Lisa notes... said...

I have heard of some; not others. Music is definitely a great blessing to the world. Thanks for sharing!

Islandsparrow said...

Mighty To Save is one our church's favourites. I've been listening to Robin Mark's latest CD - All is Well and One day are my favourites. Check him out on youtube. He's a good friend of ours - we love him and his music.

Susanne said...

Mighty to save and Word of God Speak are a couple of my favorites right now. Amazing how when we worship God it turns and ministers to us too.

Lisa Spence said...

A unique twist on the carnival; love it!

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