
Friday, November 06, 2009

Friday's Fave Five

Suzanne at Living to Tell the Story hosts this carnival every Friday for people to list their five favorite things for the week.

1. I'm thankful for the readers of Reading to Know. Really. If I had an award to give those of you who stick around here, I would. I'm grateful for the comments and the e-mails that I've received on various posts. I'm thankful for the friends I've made through this book blog. I know that I only know some of you online, but you have become friends, encouragers, and even prayer warriors for me sometimes and I'm truly grateful.

2. Beth gave me a Kreativ Blogger award this week and I'm grateful for that. Thank you, Beth, for the smile and the thought!

3. This album (FINALLY) came out:

I wrote a little about it here. And I think I've only listened to it 1,000 times since Tuesday. But who's counting?

4. (This one will be long. Bear with me.) As a book blogger/reviewer I frequently receive copies of books in the mail for potential review. Ocassionally a mistake is made on the part of the publisher and I receive two copies of books instead of one. Sometimes this is a great thing, because I get to delightedly hand it over to friends who I think will really like the book. This week an extra copy of this book came in the mail:

I have just the friend in mind for it. This is a friend who has stood by me through thick and through thin. She is one of the loyalist and bravest of friends. She's my "in person/real" friend who lives farther away than I'd like sometimes. This year we've just kind of hung on to each other for prayer support and, well, I just think she's awesome and want to publically say so. As a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny token of our friendship, this extra copy goes to Sky (because I saw it on her Amazon wishlist) and she has three kids that I think would very much enjoy it. Thank you, Sky, for being my Winston/Franklin friend.

5. Healing Rain.

(And even as I'm writing this, rain is pitter pattering across our roof. I LOVE the sound.)

Tears of joy
Tears of shame
Are washed forever
in Jesus' name


Have a fabulous weekend!



Annette W. said...

Your thoughts are so sweet! Sky must be a real treasure.

Kari said...

I really like Michael W Smith. And I'll have to check out the new album.
Such friendships are so precious. good for you.

Happy weekend.

Barbara H. said...

Congrats on the award! And I am glad to be a reader!

Melissa said...

I'm hoping to purchase SCC this weekend! Have a great one!

Lisa notes... said...

Oh, I didn't know SCC had a new album out. I'll have to get it. Thanks!

gianna said...

scc came out witha new album? i am so behind! i LOVE scc even when i was in high school and EVERYONE made fun of me! (i am not kidding! EVERYONE!)

Stephanie Kay said...

Thank you for writing such a great blog for us to read!! :)

Susanne said...

I need to check out the new SCC album! And I love MWS's worship CD's.

Congrats on your award. How fun that you got to give a book away!

Hazel said...

Being a book reviewer and getting sent books from time to time sounds to me like a great life. I wish I had all the time to read all the books I want to read. A great weekend to you, Carrie.

Jean Stockdale said...

Excellent list.

Thank for stopping by and commenting. i don't eat a hamburger often, but last night we went to Red RObin and they made the best burgers and fries. I brought home enough for another meal and it was great the second time around!!

Blessings. Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

Lovely fives! Aren't the online connections unique? I'm glad you're enjoying the interaction. Mmmm, your rain sounds terrific. We're supposed to get more rain than usual this year in So Cal and I'm reeeeally looking forward to it.

Willow said...

I too like Michael W Smith's music. It must be fun to get free books in the mail!

I sometimes refer to my online bloggers as friends. It feels like we get to visit more often than my face to face friends.

Sky said...

Dear Franklin/Winston,
Through thick and thin, onward!
Thank you. I know I can say that the book will be looked through and read over and over again!

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