With that introduction....
I love it that Barbara H. won the contest for The Christmas Secret. CONGRATULATIONS, Barbara. From what I've seen show up on your blog, I think you really will enjoy this read very much so I'm excited to have it sent your direction. Merry Christmas to you!
And then *drum roll please* .... the winner of The Sound of Music giveaway is tmu who I know personally, and who kindly follows my LIFE and my blog and who has yet to win anything from around here. I'm pleased to announce her a winner of a Reading to Know contest. Congrats, tmu, and thanks for your support in, well, everything!
As for the rest of you . . . stay tuned! I have a couple more giveaways to run this month consisting of books that I really think are worth some of your time and attention.
Thank you for following, subscribing and for leaving comments (esp. on non-giveaway posts!). Thank you for reading what I have to say and for reading books period. Truthfully, it is because I've started to KNOW you that I love hosting contests. I like to share what I read with friends and so when I come across a book I really love, I'm more interested in giving it away. That's the truth of it. If I didn't know you all very well, I wouldn't really bother. So thanks for taking the time to respond to what you've seen around here, and for sharing your lives on your own blogs and through e-mails. It makes it all so much more fun!
Merry Christmas!
Thank you!! i never win anything, so this is a treat!
i know that i will enjoy this, and so will the other two other females in my life ... eventually.
How exciting! Thanks so much!
I know exactly what you mean about hosting contests. I love them but wish I could send something to everyone, especially loyal regular readers and commenters.
Congratulations to tmu and Barbara!!!
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