
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Friday Five Favs

Susanne at Living to Tell the Story hosts this carnival every Friday for people to list their five favorite things for the week.

This week I'm going to take the opportunity to make a little announcement. A looong while ago we mentioned that we were pursuing an adoption and I'm delighted to be able to tell you that Bookworm2 has taken up residence with us here in our log home. He has been an utter delight and a joy and I'm so very happy to be in a position to share our joy with you.

Usually we try to avoid posting photos of our kids on the Internet, but for this grand occasion we'll make an exception! So this week it's Five Things about Bookworm2 That I Am Fond Of:

1. These two sweet, kissable dimples.....

2. I'm grateful that we get to see them often, usually when he's laughing. And he's been laughing an awful lot lately which is beautiful to behold!

3. I love that his nose wrinkles up when he starts roaring shrieking with laughter. He likes to play something we refer to as "Extreme Peek-a-Boo" which generally involves some nose crinkling as he stumbles about, trying to maintain his balance while playing running games. (He just recently started walking but seems to want to advance to a run in short order.)

4. I'm grateful for the moments of his life that we have been able to celebrate with him. Celebrating children's milestones is typically delightful and we love finding things to celebrate as a general rule. His birthday this past week was an especially wonderful thing to get to be a part of as his mother, father and FAMILY!

5. I'm seriously grateful for the bond that has developed already (in full force!) between Bookworm1 and Bookworm2. They make each other laugh. Bookworm1 asks to include Bookworm2 in everything that we're doing. Quite simply - they belong and they are brothers.

I could write up an entire list of things I am grateful for surrounding Bookworm2 and who he is as a unique and special person. He's an incredible kid and we're so very thankful that he is in our lives and a part of our family. We are blessed beyond measure and that's a fact!

Happy to be spending time this weekend as a family of four,



jama said...

Congratulations! Yay for Bookworm2!Thanks for sharing your happy news, Carrie.

Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

Beautiful, Carrie! Praise God for this MIRACLE!

Liz said...

Your #5 is precious. I like the picture.

Stephanie said...

So happy to see some pics of him! What a cutie!

Barbara H. said...

Well, congratulations to you all!

Those are indeed adorable dimples. It speaks volumes that he is laughing so much and so happy. Love, love the photo of the brothers' hands.

Cassandra said...

Congratulations!! That's wonderful to hear. :) :)

Lisa notes... said...

Congratulations!!!! So happy for you. Wish I could kiss those sweet little dimples. Totally adorable. Have the time of your life!

Stephanie Kay said...

Congratulations!!! I love those dimples. That picture makes me want to kiss his little face all over (just like I do the dimples on my own kids). How sweet that they hold hands!! Reminds me of when we brought Ellie home from the hospital. Ben reached over and held her hand all the way home. It's a wonderful thing to watch friendship grow between siblings. :)

nikkipolani said...

Well! This is wonderful news indeed! With dimples like that, how could you resist sharing them with the world?!

Susanne said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for your guys! Those dimples are precious!

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

Oh, Carrie, how exciting! I'm so happy for you guys!

And those dimples -- wow! Absolutely adorable.

So glad you were able to celebrate his birthday with him. What a blessing.

Praising God with you as your family grows.

Unknown said...

These pictures are precious, and those dimples are absolutely adorable!

Hazel said...

How wonderful and what happy news!
"They make each other laugh. Bookworm1 asks to include Bookworm2 in everything that we're doing." - that is awesome, I love it!

ellen b. said...

Oh those dimples are just adorable! How sweet that the your new little treasure is loved by your other treasure...Congratulations to all of you!

Shonya said...

WONDERFUL! Congratulations to you!

Willow said...

Oh hurray!!! This is so exciting! I am so glad for you all! My daughter and sil have been praying about pursuing adoption and I know how involved the process is! Congratulations!

Islandsparrow said...

I'm so glad I got caught up on your wonderful news!! Congratulations Carrie - what sweet pictures!

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