
Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Five Favs

Susanne at Living to Tell the Story hosts this carnival every Friday for people to list their five favorite things for the week.

My five things are random.

#1 - Trader Joe's just opened up in our town. Isn't that all I need to say? Maybe it's all I want to say...

#2 - Speaking of food, I made my first ever, very-own-homemade-thank-you-very-much cheesecake for Jonathan this past week AND IT TASTED AWESOME! It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be. Which is kind of unfortunate if you think about it. So I won't. Just behold:

In case you are wondering about the color, Jonathan selected a recipe for a pumpkin cheesecake (with a cinnamon crust, oh my!)

#3 - We were able to accomplish a great deal of work in the yard this past week, including planting of new trees, pulling of weeds, burning of the last burn pile, picking up of sticks (not the indoor game, mind you, although we played some of that also) and it just feels so good! It feels like we got a jump start on the yard work because, not to rub it in, but who experiences 60 degree weather in February!? Our summer projects were just made all the more easy...

#4 - That 60 degree weather I mentioned? It was just delightful. Sunny and cool.

#5 - Plans that fall into place in a way that blows your mind and gets you all excited about the future. We have a number of those this year and we're just holding out with hope!




Barbara H. said...

I have never been to a Trader Joe's -- I don't think we have one nearby -- but it sounds like a good thing.

Glad your cheesecake turned out well! Looks good!

We had two days of 60 degree weather, then it was back down to the 30s, 20s at night. I am so ready for winter to be over, but I was watching the news this morning of the north getting even more snow. I really feel for those folks...and I am really glad I don't live there!

Glad to hear about #5!

Unknown said...

cheescake..nuf said! Enjoy your weekend

nikkipolani said...

Hey, congrats on the TJ's in your town! So many fun foods to try and basic staples at great prices (like eggs and butter). And congrats on the yard work. It feels good even if all your work isn't visible. You know what you got accomplished.

I smiled at your #4 -- outside of So Cal, I think everyone is looking forward to warmer days and sunshine. We're looking forward to our rainy weekend :-)

Melissa said...

Your cheesecake looks good! I've only baked them a few times, because my mother-in-law makes a fabulous cheesecake. I'd like to try the pumpkin-cinnamon, though!

A Trader Joe's store opened not far from here, but every time we drive by, the parking lot is jammed. Someday we'll get there!

Have a great weekend!

Lisa notes... said...

I've never made a cheesecake, but I definitely love eating them. Yours sound tasty. And the yardwork sounds wonderful, too. It's as good for the soul as it is for the body. Maybe I can do a little myself this weekend. If I could just get some of that 60 degree weather...

elizabeth said...

I would *love* to visit a Trader Joe's sometime since I hear about it so much! We do have Whole Foods here though so I really can't complain.

And cheesecake. Do I really need to say more? I agree, perhaps it shouldn't be easy to make. ;)

Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

Oh, I'm jealous over the Trader Joe's! We don't have one even remotely close to us. I've been, though, and I'd LOVE to be able to shop there regularly.

Homemade cheesecake=lots of work=totally worth it!

PTL for things that fall into place!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

I'm impressed by homemade cheesecake. And pumpkin with a cinnamon crust sounds simply yummy!

His plans are always better than ours, aren't they? I share that sentiment!

Happy weekend.

Hazel said...

Your cheesecake...ah! yum! and "burning the last burn pile" sounds charming to me...I'm a city girl who pines for countryside living *sigh*

Yay to plans that fall into place. I like being reminded that His are always better than mine (although most of the time I go ahead and make my own ops....)

Diane said...

Congrats on the nearby Trader Joe's. One opened near me about a year and a half ago and I haven't been the same -- in a good way. Enjoy!

Lah said...

Hallelujah!! Thank you so much for that Youtube vid it has officially rocked my world this evening!!!

I love your blog! Blessings to you :]

Susanne said...

I've heard so many great things about Trader Joe's. We don't have them in Canada that I am aware of .

It's beautiful here today too. Not spring time nice yet but we'll get there. There will probably be a last blast of winter yet.

Yummy cheesecake.

Kristin said...

mmmm....cheescake! And my sister is going to be thrilled when she hears that about Trader Joes! Not that they live that close, but it's better than driving up to WA to go!

Unknown said...

Yum on the cheesecake!! Double-yum.

Last year, they opened a sort of fancy grocery store in our town (the 3rd grocery store in our fairly small town), and my friend and I are still bummed it wasn't a Trader Joe's!

Mama Sky said...

Trader Joe's! Whoop whoop!
Cheesecake....yum! Looks gorgeous!
Now that I live on base I have yard people!
It was raining in San Francisco! But it was perfect.
Hold on to hope!
Praise the LORD, AMEN! (I had to borrow that YouTube for my site, thanks for sharing!)

Stephanie Kay said...

There's a Trader Joe's across the road from my favorite (and much cheaper) grocery store. I just can't bring myself to go in there.

That cheesecake looks delicious!!!

DanaB said...

There sure are a few things SO worth the price at Trader Joe's. Such a quirky, fun store, isn't it?!?

As for 60 degrees and're dead to me...dead to me ;)


Carrie said...

DanaB - LOL!!!

Lisa Spence said...

I've never been to Trader Joe's but since there's a Chick Fil A just a couple miles from my house, I figure we're even. Are we? ;-)

A real, life, homemade from scratch cheesecake? You GO, girl!

Sara Lil said...

I've been to Trader Joe's at least five times now - I LOVE that store. Healthy, high quality food at decent prices. I'm stoked! Maybe I'll run into you there :)

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