Ah ha! An argument that interests me! =D
Carpe Libris introduced me to this article by Susan Wise Bauer on the importance of reading. This was my favorite quote:
Click HERE to read the complete article. It produces some good food for thought!
“Acquaint yourself with your own ignorance," Isaac Watts advised his readers in his self-education treatise Improvement of the Mind (originally published in 1741). “Impress your mind with a deep and painful sense of the low and imperfect degrees of your present knowledge." This cheerful admonition was intended as a reassurance, not a condemnation. A well-trained mind is the result of application, not inborn genius. Smart readers aren't born; they're just willing to tackle difficult reading and to stick with it.
This is such a true statement.
You're right, this is encouraging! Well-trained minds are made, not born. So true.
Keep reading! :-)
Thanks for the link, Carrie. Wasn't that a great article?
Interesting. The only problem is that the housework eventually HAS to be done. While I'm definitely attracted to the idea of reading over housework, it's just not realistic. But it certainly sounds better than saying instead of reading blogs every day I should read a classic book. :)
Yes, Stephanie's Mommy Brain, you are right. Housework has to be done. But so does reading. I think that was the only point the article was trying to make. I don't think I could convince Jonathan that the house could go to pot, for Mommy Must Read. heh. (Hmmm....? Nah!)
Priorities and all that but one should also be reading.
OK, I am going to have to read this article...
I am encouraged by this to stick with reading Walden, which I have temporarily set aside, as I find it a book I am having to 'think' about as I read! Thanks for the quote!
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