I'll put this green badge on my page today so that you can't pinch me. (Although the cover art for The Lumby Lines is green so, really, I'm already covered!)

Abi kindly awarded me with the The Prolific Blogger Award. I was tempted to be insulted (Abi!? Are you saying I TALK TOO MUCH?!!? ;D but then I read the description:
"A Prolific Blogger is one who is intellectually productive… keeping up an active blog that is filled with enjoyable content."
So, THANK YOU Abi! At least I know that one person finds the content of this site enjoyable. ;D
The rules are as follows:
1. Every winner of the Prolific Blogger Award has to pass on this award to at least seven other deserving prolific bloggers. Spread some love!
2. Each Prolific Blogger must link to the blog from which he/she has received the award.
(Check out Abi's blog - 4 the Love of Books!)
(Check out Abi's blog - 4 the Love of Books!)
3. Every Prolific Blogger must link back to THIS POST, which explains the origins and motivation for the award.
4. Every Prolific Blogger must visit the Mr. Linky page and add his/her name, so that we all can get to know the other winners.As for the seven blogs I will nominate for the award:
Janet from Across the Page
Amy from Hope is in the Word
Jennifer from Snapshot
Melissa from Breath of Life
Dawn from My Thoughts Exactly
Lisa from Lisa Writes . . .
Barbara H. from Stray Thoughts
Thanks again, Abi!
In other news....
Tim Challies wrote up a post on How to Review a Book today. I found this topic strangely interesting. I don't know why...
Janet, from Across the Page wrote up an article/post called Boundaries with Technology. I agreed with all of it and I'm thinking through her extremely valid points! She rather agrees with my "Facebook is a ridiculous farce" opinion so naturally I'm going to link you to her post so you can disagree with her if you like. But really, you should read it.
LOOK! Here's some shameless plugging for Reading My Library! Our family went and took pictures at our local library this past weekend. Still plugging along at reading through the children's picture books at the library (into the Br's now) and invite you to join THAT journey by clicking HERE.


Our Offering Hospitality blog is off and rolling along. My friend, Crista, joined us as a team member and wrote up a post today entitled The Dishes and Me which is pretty cute (and also thought-provoking.)
Last, but not least, my friend Cacey put together a pirate-themed birthday party for her little boy. I'm seriously impressed with her attention to detail! You've got to check out her post on that. And while you are there, check out her Tastefully Simple products which truly are both tasteful and simple to obtain. =) I just ordered more of the beer bread which I think is fitting for St. Patrick's Day, don't you? SO DELICIOUS! Look at it! It's just so pretty!

I'm not kidding when I tell you that this bread turns out perfectly every. single. time! (Except the one time when I turned off the oven timer and forgot to take the bread out for an additional 15 or so minutes. It wasn't perfect then. But every other time - it is!)
And with that - I will stop my prolific fingers from typing!
However you are choosing to spend your St. Patrick's Day - I hope you are having fun with it!
OH WAIT! I can't just leave you like that! I feel I should leave you in SONG - a way to express my feelings for the day! Here you go!
Bookworm2 and I clap and sing in your general direction. (You'd probably prefer that we didn't sing to you, actually...)
One more (because Bookworm2 loves to be held while dancing around, apparently!)
Thanks so much, Carrie!! My first impression of the "prolific" label was "has too much to say!" as well. :)
And I found the how to write a book review article interesting and relevant. Can I tell you that I've googled that particular phrase several times when I've felt not particularly confident about my reviews??
Congrats on the award. The prolific blogger award is a fun one. ;)
Thank you very much!
Thanks, Carrie! :-)
Loved those site you gave the award too. Keep up the wonderful work.
Have a wonderful day, Abi
Active? Prolific? Me and my blog? Wow! Thanks, friend!
I'm so sorry I haven't thanked you sooner for this. I read the posts before and after this one, but somehow missed this. Thank you for the award, the link, and the common bond on the fb issue. :-)
I'm going to check out the link to Challies. Every time I sit down to write a review, I feel like I'm starting from scratch. I like the idea of a "how to" post on the subject.
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