
Friday, May 07, 2010

Friday Favs

Thanks, as always, to Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for hosting - even when we don't get around to "playing" much ourselves! I missed last week but am back this week.

What am I thankful for this week?

1. THESE cups and "dining ware" set:

I love gnomes. My first roommate got me hooked. She bought a gnome for our little house and those that lived within the house became "Friends of the Gnome." FFGs! Now when I see gnome things, I can't resist. I had to buy three cups - one for Bookworm1, one for Bookworm2 and one for mommy! (Daddy didn't really care.)

2. THESE cupcakes:

Who takes pictures of cupcakes before eating them? I do, that's who! This weekend we'll be downing some more because who can resist saying, "Rocket Queen Cupcakes!"? (And then, who can resist eating them?)

3. THIS Day

Today is Space Day, don'tcha know? I'm inviting you to participate in some way over the course of this weekend. There's a prize, of course, beyond the mere joy of participation! =D ha!

In honor of the day, we've made some special and exciting plans which I will share with you on Monday.

4. THESE spring-time baking cups:

Ok, it's not like we're eating nothing but cupcakes around here! (We just wish we were.) I made these muffins yesterday in flower petal baking cups. They look so cute and spring-y! Makes me think of you, Susanne! Maybe I should send you some...

5. THIS song:

Because it's what I really want to do right now.

Looking forward to a beautiful weekend,



Serena said...

Those are beautiful baking cups, but where did you find the gnome dishes??? I am a certified gnome-fiend (and friend...), and I love those dishes!

Jerralea said...

I haven't made cupcakes in forever -- but now I want to!

Barbara H. said...

I love the little gnome set! All the baked items look good, and I love those petal baking cups. My kids would have loved to have a space day when they were younger.

Islandsparrow said...

Cute little gnome set. Did you ever hear of the Noddy books - British books about gnomes.I don't really remember much about them now, but I loved them as child.

I could have used those sweet spring cupcake holders for my girls' spring cafe. They're lovely!

And I definitely take pictures of cupcakes and cookies and anything that I bake. Food photography is one of my favourites

Happy weekend Carrie!

Susanne said...

LOL. Anything baked in those cupcake papers would be sure to be yummy!

Your dishes are cute. I have to say I have never seen gnome dishes or cups.

Happy Mother`s Day, Carrie!

Susannah said...

Oh my! Gorgeous cupcakes!!! What's sprinkled on the plate? Chopped nuts?

Also, I love the green and yellow baking cups. Novel!

Happy Mother's Day (in the kitchen), Carrie.

Blessings, e-Mom

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Oh, those cupcakes look good. And I love those little flower cups!

Steven Curtis Chapman is one of my favorites.

Loved the space day ideas! Happy weekend.

Willow said...

Those are the cutest baking cups! I'm sure that any cupcakes baked in them would also be calorie free, right?

Gnomes? Love em!

Happy Mother's Day!

Jientje said...

I would take a picture of a cupcake before I eat it too! I love the baking cups and the gnome cups are too cute! I hope you'll have a great weekend!

Stephanie Kay said...

Yummy cupcakes and cute plates. We had cupcakes and a birthday cake and ice cream this week in honor of daddy's birthday. Lots of fun activities this week!

Lisa notes... said...

My daughter takes pictures of her cupcakes before eating them, too, so you’re not alone. :-) Yours look lovely. Those baking cups are adorable.

Hope you're living out an awesome weekend!

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