
Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday Favs

Well since TOMORROW is Jonathan's and my fifth wedding anniversary - this post is dedicated to the one I love.

#1 - It's dedicated to the man who is excited to LIVE life with me! He finds ways to surprise me that he knows I'll like. He enthusiastically supports my plans and genuinely enjoys living.

#2 - It's dedicated to the man who works a long day and then comes home and picks up the kids and plays with them so that I can have a break after having had them to myself all day.

#3 - It's dedicated to the man who never walks away from a problem just because there is one. It doesn't matter if it's a relationship problem or a broken treadmill - he stays the course and doesn't run away (haha! pardon the pun there!).

#4 - It's dedicated to the man who has so much imagination (even though he probably wouldn't call it that) that any challenge he puts his mind to meets with success. He thinks BIG and he makes things happen. (We're never very bored...)

#5 - It's dedicated to the man who loves the Lord with all of his heart, his soul and his mind. I trust Jonathan because he trusts God. He seeks wisdom and understanding and his heart is turned towards the cross.

And I still wish there was a better Youtube clip with this song from our wedding, but the message is still true! =)

Non nobis Domine, non nobis Domine, sed nomine tuo da gloriam
Non nobis Domine, non nobis Domine, sed nomine tuo da gloriam

Not unto us, not unto us O Lord, but unto thy name give the glory!

I think we both mean that a little more than we did at the beginning because I think we both understand it a little bit more than we did back then. And I'm glad for all the things that have made that sacrificial statement more real, more meaningful and have made us more purposeful in our walk together.

I love you, Jonathan! I love you more viciously and ferociously than I did five years ago - that's for sure! You're awesome and I'm excessively grateful to be YOUR wife!


Stephanie said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Hope you have a wonderful day of celebrations!

Melissa said...

Happy, Happy Anniversary my friend!

Petula said...

Beautiful dedication. I can feel your love for your hubby. Happy Anniversary and have a great weekend.

Sky said...

Happy Anniversary!
I love you both!
It is always such a joy to see a friend who has married someone that is truly their other half!
May God bless you and keep you and cause His face to shine upon you, granting you many, many years of happiness together!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Happy Anniversary. I love that Alison Krauss song.

ellen b. said...

Happy happy anniversary to the two of you! May God bless you with many many more! Love that last song...

Heidi said...

Congrats! Great list this week. I love that Alison Krauss song.

Melli said...

At first I was going to say #1 says it all - but then you got to #5 and that REALLY says it all! It is because of #5 that #'s 1-4 work! This was a wonderful post!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

I loved this post. What a testimony!

How we grow together over the years. It's lovely, isn't it?

Enjoy your anniversary.

Jerralea said...

Awesome tribute to your hubby! I especially love #5 - that's the reason your marriage works. If only all the unmarried Christians would wait till they have someone that lives #5!

Marg said...

What a wonderful tribute to your husband. Blessings to both of you as you journey through life. I'm 37 years and I love it...would not change a thing.

Melissa said...

Happy anniversary! I liked your list!

Unknown said...

Happy anniversary to you!!!

Susanne said...

Happy Anniversary to you both, Carrie! Sounds like you've got a great man there.

Willow said...

Happy Anniversary!

Stephani Cochran said...

Happy Anniversary! A good Godly man is such a blessing!

Elisabeth said...

Carrie. I seriously laughed for five minutes at your treadmill pun.

Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

Happy anniversary!

Cassandra said...

Happy anniversary!!

Barbara H. said...

A belated Happy Anniversary to you!

Krista said...

Aw, Happy Anniversary! We'll be married 5 years this summer too! All the fun things we have in common! :)

Lisa notes... said...

Hope you had a great 5th wedding anniversary yesterday. Congratulations!

Lisa Spence said...

Happy Anniversary! What a sweet tribute.

Stephanie Kay said...

Happy Anniversary!! Hope you got a babysitter and did something fun to celebrate! :) (We'll be in DC on our anniversary celebrating with the 4 results of our marriage.) ;)

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