So far I've found the book, which is published by Harvest House Publishers to be motivational. Mostly, I enjoy it because it provides bits of advice and marked spaces for you to keep a "diary" of your food intake and exercise routine. (In the end, it gives you a visual, at least on paper, of your thought progress. I kinda think thought progress is rather important.) Curious to learn more about the Parham's, I've also started watching Season 6 of The Biggest Loser online. (Do NOT tell me who won!!! I know it's not the Parham's but keep it to yourself if you know/remember!) Watching the Biggest Loser is probably more motivational than anything else, but it's helpful to have this daily words-on-a-page type of encouragement to change things around. (Seriously? There's no better motivation than watching Bob & Jillian scream and holler at large and obese people.)
So far in this The 90-Day Fitness Challenge
1. Scheduled an appointment to meet with a nutritionist to learn more about how to keep the family diet balanced and healthy for all of us;
2. Changed my own eating habits before meeting with the nutritionist so that I don't sound as ridiculous as I might otherwise might have;
3. Have begun exercising anywhere from 20-60 minutes a day (depending on our schedule); and
4. Have dropped a couple of pounds.
Not too shabby, I think. Mostly, my goal is to be healthy. I've also never really read any health care books in the past that I can recall so it's been good to delve into the The 90-Day Fitness Challenge
Congrats on your weight loss and on the healthy changes! That's awesome. :D
I just started doing Jillian's 30-Day Shred. Oh.my.goodness! It's tough!
I've started reading Real Food by Nina Planck. It's eye opening. I'm not sure Bob & Jillian would agree with her whole-food approach, though. I'm on the library waiting list for Jillian's Master Your Metabolism Cookbook.
Looking forward to reading what your nutritionist has to say.
They were on before I started watching, so I am not familiar with them, but I am glad to hear more about this book. I wish the Biggest Loser would share more educational tips about diet and fitness and focus less on the "drama," but I do enjoy the show.
I'm on a similar journey this summer - get myself healthy. We bought pedometers which help motivate me to move. I also started Jillian's 30-Day Shred. Melissa is right - it's tough!! I've yet to do the entire Level 1 workout without taking a break. But, like you said, some progress is better than no progress. We are also changing our eating habits. Meeting with a nutritionist is a great idea!
AND you got me hooked on Biggest Loser! Don't tell me who wins - only 2 more episodes left!! You are right that it is motivational to watch people changing their bodies and lives. I keep thinking that you don't become obese all at once. It takes a lot of little choices which add up. A pound here, an extra bagel there.
So, where did you find past seasons to watch?
Now that I know TWO of you are doing Jillian's 30-Day Shred I'm all the more interested. You both are giving similar testimonies here. =)
Admittedly, I ordered Season 6 on Amazon. You can just click and order and watch the episodes through there because watching the latest season was so...motivational...I thought following up and seeing who Phil and Amy are would be both interesting and fun.
But I don't like the contestants on Season 6 so very much and it's harder to make it through the season when everyone is bickering and complaining at one another. I liked the Season 9 contestants better (at the tail end, esp.) because they were working for and with each other and it wasn't so exhausting emotionally. As Barbara mentioned - drama anyone?!
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