Although the book is devotional in style, it can easily be read straight through. (I find that it's hard for me to remember to finish a book if I'm supposed to read it in parts. I make a habit of reading books in as few sittings as possible.)
The best way to introduce the book to you is truly in the author's own words. She begins by defining purity and it sets the tone of the entire book. Quickly, Lydia Brownback describes purity as follows:
"It is to have a single goal, a single focus, and a single purpose for ourselves and for our lives. . . . At its core, purity is having a heart for the Lord that isn't watered down or polluted by lesser things." (Part One, Introduction.)
Throughout the book she describes what a woman who is pure in heart and purpose should look like. Some of the qualities she lists are as follows:
"A Pure Woman is . . . Clear-sightedThe list goes on and there is much to glean from and think about. I found it a very insightful read and prompted me to examine and re-examine the way that I view myself in light of my ultimate goal. And that goal is? To glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. This book questioned my thought processes and challenged me to consider whether or not I am living wholeheartedly for the Lord or if I am holding parts of myself back.
. . . Perceptive
. . . Loves the Lord
. . . Esteems Christ
. . . Hopes
. . . Knows What to Value"
There were many passages and questions that Brownback asked that were good for me to hear. For example, when discussing wholehearted devotion to God, Brownback says the following:
"We always choose at every moment what we think best conduces to our greatest happiness. If we believe that God and His ways will lead to happiness, we are going to choose Him and His ways. But whenever we choose something else, it's because, at that moment, we don't really believe God and His ways are going to make us happy." (page 40)
I think it's a great temptation for us to want to make decisions that will make us feel good in the moment. We apply our own wisdom to circumstances and situations, claiming arrogantly that we know what is best for ourselves at any given point in time. Instead of asking God what He would have us do, and fearing that He'll ask for something difficult, we charge ahead and close off our hearts to Him. Or, perhaps, this is just me? But if I truly do believe that God knows best (and I do!) and that He has the best planned for me (which I believe He does!) then seeking to have a pure, clean heart before Him is in mine and everyone else's best interests. It's a good word of encouragement (the kick-in-the-pants kind!) to hear that if I fail to seek His wisdom in making personal decisions, it is because I do not believe God to be Who He says that He is. I doubt Him with an impure heart.
There were many passages I could list but time and space being of the essence (and a desire to save a little face!) I'm going to stop there and share some fun things which are revolving around the release of this book.
#1 - Lydia Brownback will be hosting an interactive Bible study called Tuesday Talk on Facebook beginning on June 1, 2010. If you'd like to follow along with her devotional talks, you can do so on Facebook by clicking HERE OR you can follow along on the Crossway Blog. To follow on Facebook, click the "Like" button at the top of the screen. (I'll assume you know how to operate Facebook. I do not. But I trust you!)
#2 - Crossway Books has graciously and generously offered THREE copies of Purity: A Godly Woman's Adornment
Again, although this book is labeled "devotional" I don't think it reads exclusively as such. I'm glad to mention this book to you and have the opportunity to host a giveaway of it because I think that we typically discuss "purity" when it comes to our sexuality. I like how Purity: A Godly Woman's Adornment
"Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world." James 4:8 (NLT)
I think I would use this as a devotional...except on those days when I just can't get enough...then I'd keep reading!
I would love to win a copy. :)
treewaterduchess at yahoo dot com
I love Lydia. I have the other devotionals she's written. Thanks for the chance to win this one!
I just received the one in this series called "Trust" but haven't read it yet. I'd love this one as well -- your initial quote from the book on the definition of purity is probably the best I've heard.
This sounds very good. I'd love to win a copy!
Wow--that quote was good. It's stunning to think that every time I sin, I'm basically saying that I don't believe that God is good.
I love the quotes you shared. This book seems like it would work well with a small community group. My HS girls (I'm the leader of it) are currently just absolutely hungry for God's word and His teachings. I'm growing through "How People Grow" with them right now. I'm always looking for more ideas and I think this "Purity" would be a great one to go through with them. Thanks for sharing!
I'm with you about having to read books like devotionals. It's just now how I read. But this one sounds really, really good (and I would have added it to my Amazon order, if it didn't already ship). You've done it again! (so here's to winning it!)
me !!
I've read "Contentment" (and will re-read it for the summer book club with my friends at church); I just got "Joy" in the mail. Good stuff! I like Lydia's blog too.
Please enter me in your drawing. This looks like a very interesting book.
We posted about your giveaway at Winning Readings.
what a wonderful devotional...thank you for the chance to read it :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
This sounds great. Please enter me. Also wanted to mention that GirlTalk blog (Carolyn Mahaney & girls) will be reading this book.
This one sounds good.
thebluestockingguide at me dot com
I would love to win this book.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I have two teen daughters. I'd love to win this book. Thanks
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Please include me! I would love this!
dcf_beth at verizon dot net
I would like to read this and I have grown daughters I can pass it on to as well.
This one sounds wonderful. I'd love to win it!
Sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway.
The parts of the book you shared and your comments are definitely encouraging. Thanks for your honesty. Also, thanks for the chance to win the book.
This post hit me where it hurts, so often in these last few weeks/months I run off and do what I think is going to make me happy instead of waiting for God to let me know what He would have me do.
I'll have to pick up a copy of this book!
I enjoyed your review and would love to read Purity :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Please enter me! Thank you for posting and making us aware about so many great books! :)
Please enter me in the giveaway. It sounds like a great devotional book.
Purity is a topic that needs more attention. I'd like to read this.
ebeandebe at gmail dot com
I would love to read this book! Thanks for the giveaway-
artandjen at juno dot com
Have a great week!
Jen N
I would love to have this and after reading it passing it on to my sister and mother. Thanks for the great giveaway :)
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