Here are my posts all in one tidy spot:
Book review of Domesticated Jesus, by Harry L. Kraus Jr.
Initial thoughts on Voyage of the Dawn Treader
List of Books About Narnia (1) and List 2
My thoughts about Reepicheep and some Reepicheep quotes. (I did have more to say about Reepicheep. And maybe I'll say it yet. However, when it got down to it, what I learned was too personal for me to want to post. Sometimes that's the way it happens and I don't consider this site a personal diary. Yet. ;)
My review of The World According to Narnia, by Jonathan Rogers
And now I'm curious to find out what all of you read and wrote about.
Because I am desperately afraid of losing links with a Mr. Linky, I refuse to use him for conclusions of challenges. (I frequently go back and read your old links and I've lost some thanks to Linky let-downs so no more!) Just leave your links in the comment section.
But! For each post you wrote up this month, leave a second comment. Because each post gives you one entry to win the following:

Companion To Narnia
Again, in order to win, simply leave a comment below. (I'll open this contest up to anyone.) But! If you participated in the challenge, each post you wrote up earns you an extra entry. So don't forget to leave a separate comment for each post.
This contest will be open through Friday, August 6th so please leave your links in the comment section sooner rather than later!
Lastly, I was extremely (extremely!) remiss in not selecting winners for the two copies of The Magician's Nephew that I offered up for grabs. The winners of these two copies are Welcome to Our Wonderland and Page Turner. (I'll be sending you an e-mail shortly. However, if you see this post before you see an e-mail - feel free to send me your mailing address and I"ll get these right out to you!)
I hope all of you enjoyed our foray in the world of Narnia and, of course, we'll be going back again next year. (I really enjoy doing this in the summer months, personally. But would anyone care for a move of this challenge to another season of the year? If so, let me know in the comments.)
Hi Carrie! (Post #1)
I only got around to reading Prince Caspian this time--->
Thanks for hosting this challenge. I have greatly enjoyed reading through the Narnia books. I'm trying to make it through all seven books for this challenge...and I still need to finish The Last Battle.
Post #1: http://wholesomewomanhood.wordpress.com/2010/07/22/the-horse-and-his-boy/
Go Melinda! WOW!
My first post was earlier this month.
My second post I just put up. http://livelearnlove226.blogspot.com/2010/07/audio-books.html
Here's my post ... http://herdofsteph.blogspot.com/2010/07/to-wrap-up-july-head-into-august.html! I had just the one post this month, but it's done! :)
Here's my first Narnia post, about watching 'LWW' together as a family:
Here's post 2, about 'A Book of Narnians':
And here's post 3, on 'The Land of Narnia:'
So now I make 3 extra comments, right?
One thing I didn't get done was reading 'Inside Narnia.' Just wasn't the time for it, I guess.
I did read the Edith Nesbit story some folks think was an unconscious inspiration to Lewis because it concerns a magic wardrobe. And I have 'The Narnian' (Alan Jacobs) on my tbr list for... soon.
Okay, that's my 3 extra comments -- which I filled all too easily with chatter --
I had hoped to watch a movie or two, but didn't get around to it. Did get two books read, however. Here's post one:
And here's post two:
Thanks Carrie for hosting this challenge. It is one of the most satisfying challenges that I participate in.
I read/used the Companion to Narnia last year, and really love that book. I checked it out from the library, and was unable to use it this year. I think it will be great for whoever wins it because it really is packed with a whole lot of information.
Not certain if this post will count towards the Narnia Challenge because I did not specifically mention the challenge, but nevertheless...it is Narnia related and thought I would share it here.
My daughter and I read The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It was great fun reading this book with her.
We plan on watching The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe this evening.
Carrie, Thanks again for hosting this challenge.
Very cool books and challenge. (Even though I didn't read anything Narnia related lately. :-) )
I wrote a total of five posts on The Chronicles of Narnia (although a couple did double duty with my "regular" book notes).
Here's the link to my Chronicles of Narnia Reading Challenge Wrap-Up (It's got links to the rest of the posts if you'd rather not be jumping around through my links here in the comments.)
Or you can go to each post individually:
A Review of Inside "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (Which was a great book, by the way.)
A post on the theology of the cross as seen in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (also a part of my series of notes on John Stott's The Cross of Christ)
Part 1: The Cross Satisfied the Devil's Demands?
The second part of the previous set of notes:
Part 2: The Cross Satisfied the Law?
And finally, a post On Evaluating Trustworthiness (In Narnia)
This one isn't a double-duty post! ;-)
Do I get a normal old comment in addition to my post links? I think so! (or, at least, I'm going to take it anyway.)
Summer works well for me currently--but if others prefer other times, I think I'd be willing to shift it around too. I'm pretty much reading and writing anytime of the year, so one time's as good as another :-)
I so intended to participate! Truly I did. The kids and I listened to half of one of the Focus on the Family books on cd. I love their version! Unfortunately we haven't been still enough or taken a long enough van ride to finish the story. One day we will!
me and my girls had so much fun with this challenge!
here is post # 1:http://lettersnumbersandbooksohmy.blogspot.com/2010/07/narnia-reading-challenge.html
what my 9 year old read for this challenge: http://lettersnumbersandbooksohmy.blogspot.com/2010/07/justice-girlsmy-9-year-old-narnia.html
here is a link to my post about the books princess (my 4 year old) and I read together
a post about the movies and games we played for the multimedia part of the narnia challenge:
We love all things Narnia, and would love to add these to our library. They look like so much fun to read.
Here is a second post for this challenge.
Would like a chance to win.
cparkins14 AT teancum.net
Post #3
I will take any excuse to escape to Narnia! Our reading/listening summary is here.
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