We have a house guest/roommate for the summer months and so I kinda feel like I'm in vacation mode a bit. I honestly haven't been reading as much and between getting ready for my friend J to arrive (apparently the one thing I forgot was the coffee maker - we don't have one!), having her around, and wedding season -- I'm kinda zapped. Having a friend here is great though and it's been nice to share the cooking responsibilities. Furthermore, I introduced her to Jillian and the Biggest Loser and we've been working out together. (Bwaaah hahahaha!!!)

As most of you are aware, I'm sure, Jillian Michaels used to be larger herself. Here's an article/picture of her way back when but please don't think I endorse the article or the way she speaks in it. I just looked at the picture and skipped her commentary!
Moving on.....

Janet from Across the Page shared a list of 25 Reasons to Read. All of the reasons she list are good and I couldn't agree more if I tried. That is definitely a "list post" that is worth reading through!
I consider this a laying down of the gauntlet, but my friend "Caniad" is threatening to read The Faerie Queen this summer (within the next few weeks.) If she does this, she'll beat me. So, I'm feeling a challenge. ;D (But she'll probably beat me.) And she'll likely have way more intelligent things to say about it so if you are interested, check out her site - Dwell in Possibility. (For the record - I personally have only made it through Book One and Book Two thus far.)

Another note on J-friend being here - I don't have to cook every night. She's cooking some nights. And she makes homemade ice cream. And she makes it really good. It's absolutely not Jillian-approved but as an occasional treat it's downright awesome! Key word being "occasional."

My friend Crista is taking us on a journey through the book A Life That Says Welcome (click on the title to see her first post/thoughts). If you're interested in tracking with her as she shares her thoughts on this book, please join us over at Offering Hospitality.
I'll leave you with two "story book" songs today. Both make me want to go out and buy a hammock.
#1 - My Cathedral, by Chris Rice (for summertime and Narnia)
#2 - Return to Pooh Corner, by Kenny Loggins & Amy Grant (self explanatory)
Enjoy! And Happy Summer to you!
I *have* noticed less blogging this summer, my own blog included! I really haven't been able to be on any kind of schedule since my son's been out of school. I haven't written or exercised regularly in the last two months!
I would love to stop over for some homemade ice cream? Yum! What flavors are y'all making?
I agree with Mary - there has been less blogging going on, including by me!
It's so great that you're suckering other people into exercising with Jillian! ;) She's awesome.
I'm not sure if you're into blog awards, but I left you one: http://www.cassandraland.com/2010/07/blog-award.html
Hope you're having an awesome Monday!
I don't own a coffee maker either. CANNOT stand the stuff. So my father-in-law always brings instant when they visit.
I only worked out once (maybe twice?) last week and I'm feeling it. But I have field trips (with LOTS of walking) planned all this week so I don't see me having the energy to work out.
As I type I have homemade ice cream in the process of freezing. Vanilla. There will be fresh strawberries, apple cinnamon topping, and chocolate sauce to go with it. Definitely NOT Jillian approved but oh so delicious! :)
Your family workouts sound really great. We don't have any waterfalls without driving an hour or so. :-( (Is driving considered a workout...)
Thanks for sharing these links!
Haha! I'm already in Book 4...
(Sorry. Moment of smugness there. In truth, this isn't the most enjoyable work of poetry I've ever read. But I'll leave the details for the review :)
Whoops! Make that Book 3. Smugness deflating...
I have the 30 Day Shred dvd, but, sadly, have yet to actually use it. Will you have a review of it at some point?
Thank you for mentioning the cooking blog. We are always looking for additional posters. (hint, hint!!)
Hmm.... coming up with an amusing 30-Day Shred review. heh heh...now there's a thought! ;)
Caniad - pride goeth before . . .
Mary Bailey - Sigh. Carmel with chocolate chips. =X
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