
Friday, October 08, 2010

Friday Favorite Five

Time for a Friday's Fave Five hosted by Living to Tell the Story.

The other day, when I was (attempting to) clean house I pulled out my old CD case full of music CD's to find something different to listen to. I thought I'd pick out a few songs from random CD's in my case and share them with you. As it turns out, most of my older CDs are country music CDs. And, as it also turns out, I still really like some of this stuff! So I thought I'd make this my Friday Favorite Five Country Songs edition. ha! (Wait! Don't leave! Come back! ;)

You know I grew up in Texas right? Apparently a little of the state managed to creep in...

#1: Let's Bring it Back, by Lonestar (if you like anime, you'll like this even better! ;) ha!)

(I still think this song is AWESOME!!! Here's a nice pro-marriage country-style statement!)

#2 - That's When I Love You, Phil Vassar (Basically - all the time.)

"That's when I know without a doubt that I can't live without you..."

#3 - Here's Jo Dee Messina's That's The Way which really isn't technically theologically correct but I it. Plus it's a break from the fantastic love ballads. ;)

#4 - Whatever It Takes - by Kellie Coffey:

Because I can't think of anything I wouldn't do to support my marriage and stick with it.

#5 - Complicated, by Carolyn Dawn Johnson.

There was a time when these lyrics were, uh, just a little bit more than accurate! Many was the time I would listen to this song on the way to work while bashing my forehead into the steering wheel (at stop lights, of course.) If you've known me for awhile and are seeing this - you just hold your tongue! ;) It all worked out in the end!

Thankfully, the answer was YES on both sides and here we are five years and three kids later.


Have a great weekend, folks!



Ingrid said...

I love country music too ! it's so timeless !

Anonymous said...

Well, Carrie, I'm not usually a country music fan, but I'm looking forward to listening to some of your favorites later when I can access these. Glad you had an enjoyable time reliving them :-) And happy weekend!

Melissa said...

Ah, the memories! DH got me listening to country music when we started dating; now we listen almost exclusively to CCM. But we like Phil Vassar--not only "That's When I Love You," but also "Just Another Day in Paradise."

Lisa notes... said...

I checked out a few (old) CD’s at my library yesterday. It is fun to revisit oldies but goodies.

Islandsparrow said...

I don't listen to country music but when it comes on the car radio I find myself humming along. It's catchy!

Cindy said...

Yes, memories I had a country collection of 8 tracks and they played often, lol

Have a great weekend

Susanne said...

I've never really listened to country music but I'll check out your links. As long as it doesn't have rap I try to keep an open mind. LOL.

Hazel said...

I'm not a fan of country music but I'm always curious and willing to listen. If only this computer is not going funny on me today. Oldies are charming.

Barbara H. said...

I'm not familiar with these -- I grew up with country music but haven't really listened to it since except for those you here all over the place.

Jerralea said...

Music evokes so many memories! It's fun to revisit "oldies but goodies."

Jientje said...

Love that last one! I'm glad everything worked out for you! Have a great weekend!

Willow said...

Country music! I'll listen to your songs and I know I'll enjoy them. You'll have chosen the best ones to listen to!

Have a great weekend!

Sky said...

Some of my favorites too! I love it when your country roots show, Girl!

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