Amazon's price: $13.49
CBD's Before & After Christmas sale price: $0.99! (I might have picked up a couple.)

Amazon: Out of print. You can find a used copy beginning at $2.99
CBD's Before & After Christmas sale price: $1.99!

Amazon price: $2.99
CBD Before & After Christmas Sale Price: $0.25
I also picked up a couple of movie Storybooks (for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe & Prince Caspian) for $0.49 and $0.99. One of them I no longer see listed on their website and I just placed my order an hour or so ago!
Anyway, it's worth checking it out.
It's also worth checking out if you are fans of Adventures in Odyssey. Amazon has their Adventures in Odyssey Gold Audio Series for $21.36 and CBD has them on sale for $14.99. I picked up the first set and will store it away for later.

Anyway - some good deals out there for the taking!
Now back to the Christmas vacation....
Oh how I love book sales!!! Online, in stores or otherwise.
Merry Christmas to you.
Wow! those are some great sales!
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