
Monday, December 06, 2010

Christmas Shopping with CSN Stores

I have to say I'm kinda becoming increasingly impressed with CSN stores. And so, yes, I've agreed to another product review for them. They are kinda gaining on Amazon from all I can tell and I have to say that I'm comparing prices between the two websites these days!

Things you can find:

  • TV stands for flat screens
  • Train sets (for the young Thomas-lovers in your life!) Actually, this week they are running a special 50% off special on all of their train sets and since Bookworm2 has gotten into the train craze I spent a little time this morning browsing those specials!
  • Baby accessories (should you be feeling so inclined)
  • And much more!

I'll say this much more for them:

  • They ship their items promptly.
  • When I had an issue with a missing part on an item I had been sent, their customer service department instantly stepped up and mailed me the missing part.
  • They have a holiday return policy that has been extended to January 31st to make your shopping a little bit easier.

And there is my infomercial for you on this fine day. (You can thank me later. And later, btw, is when I'll be reviewing some of their products.)


Krista said...

I've been seeing more and more about CSN stores, but haven't compared them to Amazon yet... mostly because at Amazon I'm shopping for books and music and small things like that.

Carrie said...

YUUuup - and that is the great appeal of Amazon still - the little stuff!

Stephanie Kay said...

I'd love to hear you read this in your best infomercial voice. :D

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