I hope that all you have a fantastic, wonderful and happily memorable Christmas holiday.
I'll plan on seeing you on the other side of it, when you should be expecting to hear a great deal more about the next Lucy Maud Montgomery Reading Challenge which starts January 3rd. I'll have a bit more information about it immediately following Christmas but if you want to start planning what you want to read or watch (that is Montgomery, of course!) and spread the word, now's a good time!

Here is the button code, if you'd like it:
<a href="http://www.readingtoknow.com/2009/12/lm-montgomery-reading-challenge-2010.html"><img alt="L. M. Montgomery Reading Challenge" src="http://www.bluecastlephoto.com/misc/lmm-challenge.gif" border="0" /></a>
In the meantime - MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Merry Christmas to you too, Carrie!
I am definitely joining The Lucy Maud Montgomery Reading Challenge!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you and your family! I look forward to joining the Lucy Maud Montgomery reading challene.
I am really looking forward to the Lucy Maud Montgomery Challenge! Added the button to my blog!!
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Have a great Christmas with your family!
Hugs to you!
And a Merry Christmas to you as well! I'm thinking I might finally join you for the L.M. Montgomery challenge this next year--and it's got me roving my mind for novel ways to get involved (since I've already read everything my library has BY L.M. Montgomery.)
Merry Christmas and thanks so much for your prayers for our family!!!! :) The blogging community is great! :)
Merry Christmas Carrie! I will email you after Christmas, as I got the surprise of my life this weekend - my brother and his family showed up from Ontario and are spending Christmas with us! So not much time to write or blog, but I hope you have a wonderful, blessed Christmas!
I just found you thanks to another blogger. I love L.M.Montgomery, but I have read almost all of her books--I read them as a teen and young adult. I'm not sure if I can join the challenge. I'll see by the beginning of the year. I am now following you for sure if nothing else! If you like, here's the link to my blog:
Been thinking about the challenge already. . .
Merry Christmas!
I was just thinking about this challenge. I'm not sure what I'll read but it's always fun to participate in your challenges.
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