The rules for participating in this reading challenge are quite simple:
1. Pick the Montgomery book (or books!) that you most want to read and then read them during the first few weeks of January. Watching any of the following movies/tv shows also qualify for this particular challenge: Anne of Green Gables
2. Come back on Monday, January 3rd to link up to the Lucy Maud Montgomery Challenge post. (Just say that you are participating so that myself and others know to watch your blogs for your thoughts over the course of January.)
3. Read, read, read. Watch, watch, watch. Come back on Friday, January 28th and link up however many posts you wrote up relating to the Montgomery books or films you chose to read or watch during the month.
4. Optional, but encouraged: VISIT EACH OTHER and get to know the other people participating in the challenge.
That's it! You can decide to do as much or as little as you like. I just hope that you'll take a little bit of time to indulge in some of Montgomery's writings.
Unfortunately, a great many of Montgomery's works are out-of-print but don't fret! It's easy to locate something. Here are a few suggestions:
- Your local library no doubt has the Anne of Green Gables movie on hand. They might possible even have some of the Road to Avonlea series or can get it for you. Ask now and maybe they can get it in for you in time!
- The most popular series by Montgomery (still in print) is the Anne of Green Gables series and the Emily of New Moon series.
- There are a load of short story collections by Montgomery, including, but not limited to: Akin to Anne, Across the Miles, Along the Shore and The Doctor's Sweetheart and Other Stories.
- A few fun and more unique titles include: Kilmeny of the Orchard, Jane of Lantern Hill, A Tangled Web, The Blue Castle and Magic for Marigold.
Here is the button code for the challenge, if you'd like it:
<a href="http://www.readingtoknow.com/2009/12/lm-montgomery-reading-challenge-2010.html"><img alt="L. M. Montgomery Reading Challenge" src="http://www.bluecastlephoto.com/misc/lmm-challenge.gif" border="0" /></a>
I hope you'll consider joining in! See you in a week with more information about this!
I'm looking forward to it!
Yay! I do think I'm going to visit with Emily this year. It's been a while since I've connected with her.
BTW, most of LMM's works are free for the Kindle on Amazon. (I know the Anne books are, or were, if they aren't now). I have most of them bought and downloaded to my phone. :)
I was going to say the same thing as Stephanie regarding iTunes! I saw several Anne books there for free when I was surfing to download for my iPad.
I'm excited. I've never read the Anne of Green Gables series, but I've watched the movies several times.
And, though I know The Continuing Story is Anne-heresy, I really like it. I'll run for cover now. :)
According to a search of the Rhode Island library system there are 197 items in the system authored by Montgomery. Whew! Where to begin? ;)
I'm in, of course! I can't settle on what I want to read, though. . .
I'm definitly in! Looking forward to it!
I think I am going to read the Emily of New Moon series as I have yet to read those!
I'm looking forward to this! I recently went to a talk by Susannah Fullerton here on Montgomery which was wonderful. She spoke mostly about Anne so I think that I'll read the whole series again!
I want to read more of her short stories. I think I have read most of her books. :)
Oh, I'm new to this, but I think I'll participate. Project Gutenberg (the online library) has a lot of LMM's short-story collections, and I've not gotten through all of them yet. I think that will be my challenge. Looking forward to sharing with you all.
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