Which L. M. Montgomery character are you? Your Result: Sarah Stanley Enjoying the fine art of storytelling, you enthrall your friends and acquaintances with the power of your imagination and your wonderful appreciation of the world around you. | |
Marilla Cuthbert | |
Anne Shirley | |
Victoria Stuart | |
Emily Starr | |
Which L. M. Montgomery character are you? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
With Marilla Cuthbert running a close second! =D Now you know!
How fun! I got Anne Shirley which I have to say, made me pretty happy!
I got Sarah Sundlin, too, but I don't know who that is. Marilla and Victoria were close seconds but I don't remember Victoria either.
I did read The Golden Road...so I was happy to also get Sarah Stanley, followed by Marilla.
What a fun quiz! I got Marilla... not sure if that's a good thing or not. ;)
I'm Marilla, with Anne in second. :-)
I'm Anne, with Sarah Stanley coming in second, and Marilla third. Strangely enough, I don't really feel like any of them. :-)
I got Victoria Stuart. Now I really do need to read more of L.M.'s books, because I have no idea who she is!
Victoria Jane Stewart - or, if you prefer, Jane of Lantern Hill. =)
Sarah Stanley, what a compliment!
Anne Shirley. Ha! I do tend to talk on and on. And I am quick tempered and too concerned about what other people think of me. But I don't think I'm really like Anne. I'm much to practical. Her imagination wears me out after a while. :)
Thanks for sharing the quiz. I was fun to see what it would say, even if I don't agree.
I got the EXACT SAME ANSWERS as you! Further proof we are even more alike than we initially thought! :)
I, for one, am greatly relieved because I was secretly afraid I would be Rachel Lynde...
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