How did I know? I loved Jane Austen Ruined My Life and Mr. Darcy Broke My Heart (both linked to my reviews.) How could I not expect to love The Dashwood Sisters Tell All
As any Austen fan is aware, Jane instructed her sister Cassandra to destroy all of her letters and papers upon her death. As far as the world knows, Cassandra honored her sister's request. Pattillo's fictional books explore the "what ifs" surrounding these destroyed papers. Pattillo created within these stories a group called "The Formidables" - which is a group that Cassandra Austen supposedly formed before her own death. The job of the Formidables is to keep these original manuscripts, letters, diaries, etc., of Jane's a secret from the rest of the world. Naturally, the main characters in each of Pattillo's books have chance encounters with these hidden documents and discover the existence of the Formidables.
In The Dashwood Sisters Tell All
This book really made me want to dash off and read Sense & Sensibility again. I also had scenes from the Emma Thompson movie version dancing through my head as I watched and I want to pull it out and watch it again. This works well as I had committed to doing just that very thing during the Jane Austen Reading Challenge, being hosted by Amy at A Faithful Journey.

(By the way, this review of The Dashwood Sisters Tell All
Once again I found Patillo's story charming, elegant, fun and enthralling. She really does a good job at writing a captivating (and clean!) story with characters that you come to care about.
I highly recommend this new title, as well as the two previous books in the series. I'm not usually fond of spin-offs but in this case? Count me all the way in and already looking forward to whatever book by Patillo comes next!
Thanks to Ideals Publications - A Guideposts Company, for sending a copy for me to enjoy! Furthermore, they also offered up a copy to giveaway to one of you. TO ENTER THE CONTEST CLICK HERE. (Contest closes April 7th.)
I don't think I've read any of these - I am bookmarking them for some summer reading for when we travel this summer. : ) Thanks!
I liked Jane Austen but couldn't get into Mr. Darcy enough to finish it. I do want to read this one, though. I recently re-read S&S, and watched the movie, too. Love those Dashwood girls!
Sounds fun! :) I read her first two books...so my interest is peeked!
Ever since reading your reviews of the first two titles, I have been ever so curious about these books! Must get to them...soon! :)
Looking forward to the giveaway! :)
BTW...thanks for mentioning my challenge! ;)
ohhh this sounds really good!
You're making me want to read this series!
Sounds like fun! I'm glad they can be read independently but I think I still want to read them in order. ;)
Sounds like fun!! I love Jane Austen's books but have hesitated to read the recent modern adaptations because I hate jumping on a bandwagon. :)
I was pleasantly surprised by Mr. Darcy Ruined My Life after being quite turned off to Patillo by her Heavens to Betsy and Earth to Betsy about a female minister "Betsy Blessing."
Needless to say, Mr. Darcy was a great improvement over the other two. I wasn't head over heels (I felt it tried a little too hard to be thoughtful and fell short), but it was definitely an enjoyable read. I wouldn't mind reading others from the same series.
I loved her first two books. I just requested this book from my library. I can't wait!
If you have these three books, I'd love to borrow them! :)
I'm glad to hear you enjoyed these! I have "Jane Austen Ruined My Life" sitting on the shelf and have plans to read the others during the course of this challenge too.
I didn't read your entire post because I was afraid there might be spoilers, but I am so excited about adding this book to my list!! I enjoyed the other two books by Beth as well. :O)
I really want to read this one now!
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