Ok, well, it took me a bit of time to get back on track with life (maybe I haven't exactly done that yet) but I'm here with another Friday Favorite Five which is hosted weekly by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story.
For those of you who haven't been by in awhile...I'll start off this family business with the mention of...
#1 - The safe and healthy birth of Bookworm3 (my little girl)!

She is now one month old, if you can believe it! Again, I have to ask, why does pregnancy last SO LONG and then they come out and time just totally flies by!?!?
She is a joy and a delight. I absolutely LOVE having a little girl in the house. I like having little boys also, for the record. It's just fun all around, I guess. The above picture is of my oldest holding onto my youngest.
#2 - Bookworm1.
My oldest (age 4 1/2) has been quite the little helper, always being willing to help out with the baby however I need. Now that her eyes are able to focus on things, he has been happily showing off his toys to her. He also comes up and talks to her when he sees that she is awake. Here is a recent interaction though that was quite amusing to me:
Bookworm1 asked me if baby's eyes were open. I affirmed that this was the case and he came over to greet his little sister.
"Helloo," he coo-ed. "Are you having a wonderful time looking at me?"
#3 - Bookworm2
Bookworm2, age two, has been equally helpful, frequently anticipating baby's needs. If she is crying he will run up and lean over her crooning, "Ohhh baby, baby, baby." Jonathan says it's like a bad Elvis impersonation. Of course, Bookworm2's solution to her every problem is to bring her a bottle post-haste. If the baby is chunky, it might not totally be my fault!
#4 - Six years of marriage!
I wrote this anniversary post up last week, documenting the progression of Jonathan's and my relationship through song.
Thanks to a fabulous sister-in-law (and her pretty cool fiance) we had a "night out on the town" which consisted of dinner out and a walk around the local (beautiful) campus. So thankful for a lovely sunny evening (a rarity!) and the ability to walk after the c-section! (Recovery has been slow and steady.) Then, Jonathan surprised me with this upon our arrival home and we watched an episode while eating dessert.

Rumpole of the Bailey
(Thanks, Jonathan, for the treat!)
#5 - Blessings upon Blessings
From bloggy friends to church family to relatives we have just been blessed beyond measure after the birth of Bookworm3. Even after meals had officially ended, they are still being provided to us! I seriously have not had to cook in the ENTIRE last month! We've had plenty of food and leftovers to tide us over.
My mom came out for a week after baby was born and took care of the boys (and the girl) while I was recovering.
Bloggy friends - seriously, too many of you to mention, have generously sent gifts for us to enjoy. Girly gifts. ;) Girly clothes! Girly books! We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of everyone around us! Things like the following have even been deposited on our front doorstep by some little elf:

I do not even know who to thank for some of the things that we have received! It's been amazing and we're so very grateful for each individual who has rejoiced with us as we have been rejoicing. (Romans 12:15) We have had plenty of people weep with us over the past few years. It's refreshing to REJOICE!
He is the one you praise; He is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes. Deuteronomy 10:21
And so we do rejoice! And we thank each and every one of you who have done so alongside us - happily and willingly. That is a blessing in and of itself and we are grateful.
Blessings on you all this weekend!
See ya next week.
So glad you're enjoying your precious little girl! (Oh, and I still don't feel like I'm back on track with life...and it's been 5 years since L. was born!)
My favorite line in this post? "Are you having a wonderful time looking at me?" That is too adorable for words!
Oh, Carrie, I loved everything about this post from the sweet picture of your oldest boy holding Baby Girl's hand to his asking, "Are you enjoying looking at me?" So cute!
Girl! I did not know you had a C-section! Bless your heart. I totally understand your gratefulness to finally be able to walk upright. So glad you have been well taken care of by family and friends!
Thanks for sharing with us from your heart. Blessings to you!
What a packed-full-of-blessings Fave Five! Love that the boys are so enamored of their sister and willing to help. And so glad for the help and support you've received.
I've heard of Rumpole but not seen it -- sounds fun!
Oh, I love that sweet hand! Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl!!!
Oh, Carrie. What a joyful wonderful post. I'm amazed you have time to type up your fives with all the activities in your home. Thank you for sharing these lovely blessings. I hope you'll share more of these sibling conversations -- they are precious!
Congratulations on your newest little one!
Sounds like you are greatly loved by all who know you!
Love the quote by your oldest. LOL. 4 is a great age to welcome a baby into the family.
Keep on enjoying these treasures!
Oh new babies are so darn sweet. Yours has an adorable hand I just love those tiny fingers.
Oh what a blessing that your sweet baby girl is a month old already!! I'm glad the bookworms are dealing well with the addition of their sister to the family. We have 2 boys and then were surprised by a little girl. It's been a fun journey as they are now 32, 30 and 25!!
Glad you are getting some good help. What a beautiful bouquet!!
Happy weekend to you...
Congratulations on the birth of your little girlie bookworm!
Rumpole--I've read all the books! Love that funny man!
I love this post! :-)
My younger nephew asked when Louise was born, "Are her eyes open yet?" My mom's cat had just had kittens. . .
Kids really do say the "darnedst" things! :-)
Oh dear, I feel like such a bad bloggy friend! It did cross my mind to send you a card when I got your (adorable) photo, but then I forgot again. Hopefully I will actually get to meet little Bookworm 3 (and the rest of you!) this summer! It looks like mid-August is the plan!
I suppose that with 3 bookworms you are more than busy, lol !
I will see my little grandson this weekend,now 6 months old !
Your stories about your boys have me giggling here, all alone in front of my computer. God bless!
congrats on the arrival of a healthy baby girl and her good integration into the family. your boys are so cute with how they interact with their new sister. the time does fly by.
congrats on 6 years/ may you have triple that amount in the future.
sounds like you are surrounded by a wonderful, practical group of people. it must have been great to be provided foodwise for a whole month. i have been too so i can appreciate the love this conveys.
hope you continue to heal well.
So great to hear how well everything is going! What blessings you've been given, over and over. Congrats on your little girl.
This was such a sweet post!
What a sweet blessing.. a little girl! I'm so glad her big brothers and your friends have been so helpful. The days really do fly by, and it must be nice not to have to worry about some of the little things.
I love bloggy friends, too!
What a sweet family you have. Your telling of their sibling interactions with the new baby made me smile and brought back lots of memories.
What a blessing to have meals brought for you. The lilacs are lovely.
I'm late in commenting but I'm so glad things are going well for your family. Based on that first photo, your little girl is beautiful. :)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Haven't been by in a while, so just wanted to say congratulations on all fronts! I'm thrilled you have a new healthy baby in your home. What a blessing. And congrats on your anniversary, truly another blessing.
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