Perhaps the reason I most like this book is because Wilson takes a strong stand for manhood. In a society that would rather like their men to be weak and silent (and the women empowered and independent) it's refreshing to hear a message that men should be leaders and should be, well, men. They should be strong humble leaders, unafraid of responsibility, having a servant heart and yet the heart of a warrior. Wilson is arguing that young boys be trained to be the men that they will eventually be.
"Boys are future men. Young men are future men. This means they are future husbands and future warriors. When they arrive at that point, the responsibilities they encounter should not come as a surprise to them." (page 171)
Wilson discusses the topic of masculinity - not the brutish kind that feminists try to tell us are abhorrent to the human race - but Biblical masculinity which I'm going to call "servant leadership" for the sake of this post. I think it best describes the whole of what Wilson is trying to describe and what I walked away thinking about. It isn't an effeminate masculinity that is sitting quietly on the sidelines afraid to make waves or hold open doors to passing females. It is the type that is secure in itself and what it was created to be and do - for the glory of God! It is tenderhearted, caring for the opposite sex in a confident and understanding way.
In Future Men
Wilson addresses topics such as: dealing with unseen/tolerated sins, teaching them to be hard workers, how to train them to handle money, what Christian Liberty really means in relation to participating or indulging in various activities, how a young man should treat his mother and sisters, how he should be educated, how to approach sex and dating and also how to be counter-cultural (in terms of not being consumer minded, swayed by what popular culture says that you should have or need.) Wilson definitely covers a lot of ground in this fast-paced 192 page book. I found it full of practical advice and was helpful to the female reader in pointing out how boys are wired and what they are naturally inclined towards. Wilson heavily emphasizes the point that the wife should follow her husband's lead in raising young men, since he was once one himself and therefore has a better understanding of how the male mind works. This, of course, puts the responsibility for raising young men where it should ultimately be - on the father! (I think it goes without saying but Wilson is definitely writing to a family unit here. A single mother would benefit from this read as well, as it would absolutely reveal what a young man needs. I would say that, if I were a single mother, I would make a point of actively seeking out a reliable father figure for my sons!)
Wilson's call is for men to be men. And little boys are future men, so this book is entirely relevant for parents with sons. I picked it up after Bookworm3 (our first girl!) was born because after her birth I noticed a shift in the behavior of our two sons. Suddenly the differences between boys and girls became glaringly obvious. My boys suddenly seemed more, well, boy-ish and some of their behavior had become (and still is, I confess!) baffling to me. They were louder. More active. More boy-like than I had never noticed before. The presence of pink made the differences more obvious to me, which has been interesting for me to think about and process. (I'm still processing.) I very much like I'm Outnumbered because I think it brings care and discipline to the home, establishing the need for honor and respect among the family members. I like Future Men
I like the sound of this book, esp bc I can encourage my husband to read it!
Thank you!
This sounds good -- I wish it had been around when mine were small!
wow I have 3 future men! I need to read this asap. Thanks for bringing it to my attention :D
This book sounds like it would be very useful for me as a mom of all {3} boys. It's very important to me to raise them as men of God. But, I also want to treasure their childhood. I like how the emphasis here is on the father's role. Even though I am the one who is with them 80% of the time, they one they are really going to emulate, is their father. Sure, they will pick up things from me, too. But, the strongest role model is the same sex parent. Thanks for the review!
I'll have to check this book out, Carrie! Looks interesting.
Your boys are comrades now, you know -- brothers at arms. They'll probably stick closer together now, I figure. Not against little sister, but different from. At least you have a smattering of pink in your household! Enjoy - viva la difference!
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