The rules for the challenge are simple and easy - read as much or as little in or about Narnia as you can during the month of July. The challenge starts on July 1st when I will invite you to write up a post on your own blog saying that you are joining in on the challenge. If you do not have a blog, feel free to join in simply by leaving a comment so that we know you are playing along. Then you have the entire month of July to read whatever you can that relates to Narnia (or watch the movies!) and write up posts on your thoughts and experiences in doing so. The challenge will end on Friday, July 29th.
How well do you know Narnia? Have you ever been before?
Here are some questions, gleaned from So You Think You Know Narnia?

Without further ado, here we go with 10 Narnia-related questions.
- Who wrote the Narnia books?
- Was Trumpkin a dwarf, a faun or a mouse?
- At the beginning of The Magician's Nephew, who climbs over the wall into Polly's back garden?
- According to Puddleglum in The Silver Chair, are giants good shots at throwing things?
- In The Horse and His Boy, what is the first talking animal Shasta meets in Narnia: an owl, a badger or a hedgehog?
- In which book is there a Sunless Sea deep underground and a prince under a spell?
- What item did Mr. Beaver show the children to prove that he knew Mr. Tumnus?
- What was the strange name of Jill and Eustace's school, mentioned in The Silver Chair?
- Who received a new sewing machine from Father Christmas?
- Eustace learn to shoot a bow and arrow while voyaging on what boat?
Answers revealed next Friday, July 1st along with the names of the winners! Have fun!
Oh my! I would have to research to answer almost all of them since I've only read most of the books once! I will see if my husband knows more than me, and if so, I will return with an actual entry.
C.S. Lewis
A dwarf
The Silver Chair
Experiment House
Mrs. Beaver
The Dawn Treader
Great teaser for the upcoming challenge!!!
CS Lewis
Red Dwarf
Sliver Chair
Experiment House
Mrs Beaver
The Dawn Treader
Wow, more reasons why I must finish the series. I only know a few of these. :) I can't wait till next week!
C.S. Lewis
?? Obviously one I haven't read.
Mrs. Beaver
Dawn Treader
Who wrote the Narnia books? C. S. Lewis
Was Trumpkin a dwarf, a faun or a mouse? Dwarf
At the beginning of The Magician's Nephew, who climbs over the wall into Polly's back garden? Diggory
According to Puddleglum in The Silver Chair, are giants good shots at throwing things? Not at all
In The Horse and His Boy, what is the first talking animal Shasta meets in Narnia: an owl, a badger or a hedgehog? Hedgehog
In which book is there a Sunless Sea deep underground and a prince under a spell? The Silver Chair
What item did Mr. Beaver show the children to prove that he knew Mr. Tumnus? Lucy's hankie
What was the strange name of Jill and Eustace's school, mentioned in The Silver Chair? Experiment House
Who received a new sewing machine from Father Christmas? Mrs. Beaver
Eustace learn to shoot a bow and arrow while voyaging on what boat? The Dawn Treader
It's been a while. . . :D
CS Lewis
a badger
The Silver Chair
Mrs. Beaver
The Dawn Treader
C.S. Lewis
The Silver Chair
Lucy's handkerchief
Experiment House
Mrs. Beaver
The Dawn Treader
I'm excited about the challenge. I really enjoyed reading all seven of the books during last year's challenge, and I'm contemplating doing the same this year.
1. C. S. Lewis
2. a dwarf
3. Digory
4. No, they are not.
5. a badger
6. The Silver Chair
7. his scarf?
8. No idea . . .
9. Mrs. Beaver?
10. The Dawn Treader
I'm In!!!!
1. CS Lewis
2. dwarf
3. Diggery (sp?)
4. no (guess)
5. Owl (total guess)
6. The Silver Chair
7. Lucy's handkerchief (guess)
8. No clue
9. Mrs. Beaver
10. Dawn Treader
C.S. Lewis
A Dwarf
The professor (I'm drawing a blank on the name)
A badger
The Silver Chair
Lucy's handkerchief
The Experiment House
Mrs. Beaver
The Dawn Treader
A quiz - how fun!
C. S. Lewis
The Silver Chair
Lucy's handkerchief
Experiment House
Mrs. Beaver
The Dawn Treader
I only had to look up 2 answers (at least I knew where to find them). I'm not sure what I'll read yet. Once again, I'm reading a BIG book (the unabridged Count of Monte Cristo), but I'll try to fit something in.
Yay! I'm so excited to be joining in with the challenge again this year. I've written my intent post--and now to answer some trivia!
C.S. Lewis
A Dwarf
A Badger(?)
The Silver Chair
Lucy's Handkerchief
Ooo-tough one. I can't think of it.
Mrs. Beaver
The Dawn Treader
Okay, here goes:
CS Lewis
A dwarf
Silver Chair
Lucy's handkerchee
Mrs Beaver
Dawn Treader
I'd like to participate in the challenge, despite my total reading slump these days. Right now I'm drawing a blank on any Narnia-related titles though... Maybe I'll get some ideas from reading your and others' posts.
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