It's time, it's time! Time for the second annual Chronicles of Narnia Reading Challenge.
The goal? To spend the month of July reading as much about Narnia as possible. You have the whole month to read individual stories in The Chronicles of Narnia or to watch the movies, listen to audio books or read books about Narnia or C.S. Lewis. Whatever you have the time to do, I invite you to do. As you proceed through this Challenge, write up various posts about what you have read or your thoughts and impressions. On Friday, July 29th we will conclude the challenge and at that time I will invite you to share your posts with us.
If you are participating in this challenge, please leave a comment below stating as much, and then feel free to add my Reading Challenge badge to your own post or blog sidebar with the following code:
<a href="http://www.readingtoknow.com/2011/07/chronicles-of-narnia-reading-challenge.html"><img alt="Chronicles of Narnia Reading Challenge" src="http://www.bluecastlephoto.com/misc/chronicles-of-narnia.gif" border="0" /></a>
An introductory post in which you share your goals for the month is highly recommended and encouraged. Let the journey begin!

#8 - Melinda
#12 - Bekahcubed
Congrats ladies! (If you haven't received an e-mail about this from me yet, feel free to e-mail me!)
Here are the questions posed, along the answers:
- Who wrote the Narnia books? C.S. Lewis
- Was Trumpkin a dwarf, a faun or a mouse? A dwarf
- At the beginning of The Magician's Nephew, who climbs over the wall into Polly's back garden? Digory
- According to Puddleglum in The Silver Chair, are giants good shots at throwing things? No.
- In The Horse and His Boy, what is the first talking animal Shasta meets in Narnia: an owl, a badger or a hedgehog? A hedgehog
- In which book is there a Sunless Sea deep underground and a prince under a spell? The Silver Chair
- What item did Mr. Beaver show the children to prove that he knew Mr. Tumnus? Lucy's Handkerchief
- What was the strange name of Jill and Eustace's school, mentioned in The Silver Chair? Experiment House
- Who received a new sewing machine from Father Christmas? Mrs. Beaver
- Eustace learn to shoot a bow and arrow while voyaging on what boat? The Dawn Treader
Further Up and Further In!!!
: )
I'm in!
My daughter and I are in.
I wrote about this challenge in my last Sunday Post.
I'm in -- my intro post is here:
I only knew two quiz answers. Definitely a sign I need to reread the series!
Oh, and thanks for hosting!
My high school girl's group is going to read Prince Caspian and I'm going to use Journey into Narnia as our companion book. They're actually looking forward to their summer reading :)
I have nothing yet but might join in later if inspiration strikes... I love Narnia and wouldn't want to miss the voyage.
Woohoo! Thanks for hosting.
I'm in! I think I'll reread the series again as well as "Aslan's Call" by Mark Eddy Smith and "A Field Guide to Narnia" by Colin Duriez (the two books that I have on hand about Narnia). Looking forward to it!
I'm always up for a Narnia challenge. I think I'll re-read "The Horse and His Boy" using "Roar" as the companion. I'll also read the excerpts regarding Narnia in Richard Abane's "Harry Potter, Narnia and Lord of the Rings".
Oh, yes -- I'm in (already started to be exact).
YAY! Look at all you people! =D So fun...
How fun! I wish I could participate. I love those books!
I finally had time to ask Derek the questions. He did very well...only had two wrong (though one another wrong, but fixed it when I told him so).
I have yet to write up my post for participation.
I finally posted!
Hopefully I'll get my posts written this week. But I'm having a hard time breaking my vacation mindset so I make no promises. :)
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