
Friday, August 19, 2011

Mountain Rambles

We've been taking advantage of some of this BEAUTIFUL Oregon summer weather that (finally) came to visit us and have been exploring a mountain that is located close to our house. I love being outside and being neither too hot nor too cold. I love being surrounded by trees. I love ferns. I love hearing the birds chirp and watch them startle out of bushes. I love wildflowers and fresh deer tracks, mountain ranges in the distance and Queen Anne's Lace up close.

I also love taking pictures of it all and so I'll let some of my photos (and a few other people) do the rest of the talking for today. (Other than, of course, giving you the obligatory schpeel about how all of these photos are copyrighted by myself - Blue Castle Photography - even though I didn't bother to take the time to put the copyright notices on them. Blah, blah, blah.)

"Dear old world," she murmured, "you are very lovely, and I am glad to be alive in you."
~ Anne of Green Gables

I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in. ~George Washington Carver

Nature will not be admired by proxy. ~Winston Churchill

And there was always the bend in the road! ~ Anne of Green Gables

I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in. ~John Muir

"I'm going to let my imagination run riot for the summer." ~ Anne of Green Gables

Have a lovely weekend, y'all! See you next week.


Janet said...

Gorgeous setting and photos!!

Waving back at you... :-)

Annette W. said...

:) I love the comfortable temps (so few here...) and being outdoors surrounded by God's beauty, too.

You captured it beautifully.

Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

Beautiful! Happy week-ending!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! How long will your nice weather last?

Bluerose said...

I'm guessing Blue Castle is related to Lucy Maud Montgomery, but it's such a cool and whimsical name anyway!! I love it either way!
Beautiful photos! I've been browsing at your other sites, too. :)

Carrie said...

Bluerose - Ding! Ding! Ding! You're right! ;)

Barbara H. said...

Those are such gorgeous photos, and I love the quotes you've paired them with. (Hey! -- this might be a great post for a certain someone's meme of quotes! :-) )

A Faithful Journey said...

Lovely pics! Some of our favorite summer/fall/spring activites consist of hiking in the wood or walking along the trails. Creation is a beautiful thing and we enjoy being out in it every chance we get!

Have a great weekend! :)

Amy DM said...

Lovely mix of photos (great ones!) and quotes. Well done!

Stephanie Kay said...

Beautiful! I love that you included a family pic. :)

Unknown said...

This is lovely. Totally agree with your love of spending time outdoors when the conditions are right, and I love the quotes you put together!!

Marie Cloutier said...

Wow, everyone's got these great outdoors photos this week! Makes me think I should get out of the house!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photos and setting.

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