
Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday's Favorite Five

Time for another Friday Favorite Five which is hosted weekly by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story.

This is probably a very good week for me not to skip this because it hasn't been an easy week. Three small children, all needing almost constant attention. Germs in the house. The inability to leave the house as a result. Work, work, work. The usual nine yards and very little down time. And this week a teenager also told me that they were short on time. There were certain days out of this past week that were just plain unfun.

Please don't misread me. I don't expect every day to be fun. In fact, I expect bad days to be very much apart of my life because I don't think life on earth was designed to be perfect. If it was, there'd be no need of a Heaven, or a God who sacrificed His son so that we could be redeemed and loved. Bad days are a part of life's package and I think it's good to remember that they are necessary because they have this amazing tendency to make us fall to our knees in surrender. Well, they make us do that after we've tried everything humanely possible to get through a day. (Eventually I remember that I can't do anything in my own strength and then I fall to my knees.)

But there are little gifts along the way and one of them is are friends who step in and offer spiritual (and humorous) encouragement on such bad days. (Again, making us grateful.) So here are my five things for this week:

#1 - Being lovingly poked fun at when I was acting like this:

I know it doesn't work for some people to have a bad mood teased out of them, but I'm like a 4 year old in that regard. Point out the ridiculously in a loving, teasing way and I will (very) likely eventually start laughing. (That is, if I know you love me dearly - have proved that you do in a way so I know you love me - and aren't just trying to push my buttons.)

#2 - When I confessed that I knew the difficulties of the week were fleeting, a mere "season" of life which would pass away before I knew it, this song was shared with me:

And still I notice you
When branches crack
And in my breath on frosted glass
Even now in death, You open doors for life to enter
You are winter

What's even more cool is that I know this song to have particular meaning to another dear friend of mine. Having the song shared with me made me to remember past life lessons and so I felt encouraged by TWO people instead of just the one who had me listen to this song this week. (That's a slightly confusing explanation but what the hey.)

#3 - Honesty here. It's been a stressful work week - with work at the "official job" and then more work here at the house which keeps Jonathan and I constantly running just to keep up. My sister-in-law sent me this song just to remind me that even though date nights are few and far between, hearts can stay united.

Really, if you're married, take a listen to this song. It's a Challenge Song of the best sort.

Anyone who is willing to get in your face and challenge you to love and respect your husband is plenty ok in my book. I want to surround myself with people who will always honor the commitment between Jonathan and myself and who will challenge me to forever honor it as well. This world and present society doesn't exactly value the marriage relationship and I think it most important, especially as Christians, that we encourage one another to place our marriage relationship above all other human relationships we might have during this lifetime.

There are plenty of obstacles in life's path that can blow a couple off course. Having friends who will come alongside and keep you goin' in the right direction is a blessing NOT to be taken lightly!

#4 - Reminders to laugh. On a really bad day it's hard to remember to laugh and frankly, sometimes you just don't feel like being in a laughing mood. If nothing funny is happening, nothing funny is happening and that's all there is to it! Again, having someone who can come in and gently remind you to take a deep breath and look for the amusing in any given situation is a powerful gift. God has been very gracious to place people in my life who share a similar sense of humor with me. I know I can always make a quick phone call or pop off a quick e-mail and a chuckle will be produced somewhere along the line with such people. I'm grateful for them.

#5 - That "tomorrow is fresh, with no mistakes in it." No mistakes in it yet. There will be mistakes, of course. More frustrations. New challenges. And plenty of blessings.

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

Amen to that!

Blessings to you this weekend,


P.S. Some friends of our just launched a new attorney firm at Bakersfield Family Lawyers, and they offer services to assist with adoptions (which you know we're a fan of) and other family matters. If you live in Bakersfield, check them out.


Annette W. said...

Thanks for your honesty.

The marriage prayer song was very nice. Don't usually listen, but did to that one at your prompting.

*carrie* said...


Thanks for sharing that song. I think I'll like to that soon. I've had a marriage post brewing in my mind for quite awhile.

Hoping you have a refreshing weekend!

Melanie - Author/Editor/Publisher said...

All I have to say is WELL SAID. Love your fives this week. Makes me take a different look at my crummy week. I'm glad you shared : )

ellen b. said...

What a blessing to have people in your life that care enough to encourage you on days like these...or weeks like these. The baby, toddler years were the hardest for me. Hope you have a relaxing weekend.

Jerralea said...

Well said, Carrie!

Thanks for the gentle reminder that we should expect bad days. But it so great the our Father God places encouraging people, songs, and even jokes our way to bring us out of it!

God bless you!

Barbara H. said...

Glad you had blessings in both laughter and poignancy for a rough week. So true that days/weeks like this are a normal part of life, yet God showers blessing along the way, too.

Lisa notes... said...

Sorry you had such a hard week, Carrie. :-( It's easy to have hard weeks with little ones around, so be gentle with yourself. You're doing good, giving out love everyday to so many people!

Willow said...

It's great to have that kind of needed encouragement.

As Alexander would say, "Some weeks are like that, even in Australia." My mother-in-law often stated that this was her favorite Bible verse: "And it came to pass..." because that meant that nothing ever comes to STAY!

Praying your little ones are well now.

Bluerose said...

I really hate that you had a bad week! It does comfort me to know I'm not the only one who struggles so much, though. ;)

#3 is my favorite! Such a great reminder.

Faith said...

oh i really liked the marriage song...never heard that before! Thanks for sharing your very honest faves! hope your upcoming week is better though in regards to your sick children!

nikkipolani said...

I'm so glad you stuck with the FFF and shared the tough stuff in your week. Aside from dealing face-on the issues of the week, it's also good to remember that this season of life will pass. You've been blessed with encouraging family and friends.

Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

Rough week here, too, in many ways--but as you say, it reminds us if where our real hope and treasure is! Have a restful weekend, Carrie!

Hazel said...

Sorry about your hard week. So true about bad days making us fall to our knees. Hope your next week is a better one.

Ingrid said...

I don't write my favorite 5 moments in the week ! sometimes there are really nothing favorable, lol ! I just do a resume of the week.

Susan@FruitfulWords said...

Music, Scripture, perspective, and friends are powerful influences in life. So glad to see, Carrie, that you've got each of these. Sorry this past week was so tough. I pray this one is "easier" but still filled with the right influences.

I prayed that this week will be filled with many moments of respite.

Shonya said...

I absolutely love your focus on practicing gratitude even in the "not-so-great-weeks".

Karyn said...

Wow. Thanks for sharing. Both songs - beautiful. You obviously have great friends who love you.

Hope next week is much easier.

Lisa Spence said...

Love that Nichole Nordeman song!

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