The people in this camp were frequently forced to work in the Nazi studios, providing artwork for official reports, maps, charts, etc. In secret though, many of these same artists drew pictures which accurately reflected conditions in the camp. These pictures and stories are included in this particular book, Terezin: Voices from the Holocaust
The pictures and drawings contained in this book aren't pretty or charming. Rather they show human suffering in some of its worse conditions -- at the hands of cruel and hateful men, driven by insanity.
This book is ear-marked for "young adult" readers. Certainly the Holocaust is a delicate subject because of the horrors of war and the way various peoples were mishandled, tortured and killed. It was not a pretty time in history and so the pictures you will see inside this book are not beautiful, per se. Nor are they lurid as some you may see. Rather, they show people within the camps, looking malnourished and unhappy. There isn't anything terribly grotesque although the words which accompany each photograph try to educate the young reader about what was truly going on inside Germany, inside Czechoslovakia, inside the lives of countless people. I think this book is tasteful in how it relays facts and information to the younger reader, opening their eyes to the history of the world around them. That is important. We shouldn't sweep history under the rug just because it's ugly. Rather, we should tell stories and teach and learn from the past so that we can apply truth accurately in the future - hopefully avoiding anymore atrocities such as those that occurred under Nazi rule.
I heartily recommend this book as a rather gentle entry into the history of World War II and what was suffered, specifically in Terezin.
Thank you, Candlewick Press, for providing us with such a resource for our younger audience and for sending a copy my way to check out!
What--no giveaway?!?! ;-). This is a book I'd like to see! One of my projects in library school was on holocaust literature.
This sounds really good--think I'll add it to my list to add to our homeschool library when (if?! ha) we ever get to this time period in history. :)
This sounds like a fantastic book. After reading The Lost Wife by Alyson Richman and loving it (it's set partially in Terezin), I'm definitely adding this to my to-read list. I will link to your review on War Through the Generations.
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