The Woman Who Heard Color
The Woman Who Heard Color
Suffice it to say - I absolutely loved this read! I loved the way it went back and forth from the years leading up to the second world war and 2009. I liked how it bounced back and forth between Lauren and Hanna. I love how it wove history together and offered explanations as to why Hitler hated "modern art" and had so much of it destroyed during his reign of terror. Reading The Gathering Storm
As it did deal primarily with the subject of art, I'll offer the disclaimer that there is quite a bit of focus during the first 1/3 of the book with the subject of Hanna posing nude at an art gallery. I read through the first third of the book cautiously, wondering if I was going to be able to recommend this read to regular readers of Reading to Know. I would have to say that I ultimately walked away not thinking the worse of anything mostly because I thought Kelly Jones handled the subject remarkably well. She doesn't offer gratuitous details about any of Hanna's actions throughout the book. (There is an issue of an affair, also handled in as clean a manner as you could wish for.) Jones states facts without offering the full portrait, if you will, of what's happening. This allowed me, as a rather conservative reader, to keep on reading and stay engaged with the story. I understood what was happening but Jones wrote in such a way that didn't cause me to imagine too much.
The flip side of the issue of Hanna posing nude is that, if you are involved in the art world, you probably would not be offended by the idea of anyone posing nude. The argument that is made in this book is that artists need to learn how to draw the human form. While I personally don't feel like an artist must look at a nude model to do that, there's your argument for it. I won't go into that in any more detail, because Jones didn't and I appreciated her choice to be more discreet while telling her story. It's there, but I didn't get hung up on it. Still, I feel it should be mentioned.
On another interesting note, Kelly Jones focuses quite a bit on the artist Wassily Kandinsky, a Russian painter. Hitler did not like Kandinsky's works because they could not be easily understood by the common man. Make what you will of that, Hitler had quite a lot of art destroyed during his time. Among pieces that were destroyed were several of Kandinsky's works. Most notably, perhaps, were several pieces of Kandinsky's Composition series. In The Woman Who Heard Color

Here's a brief description of Composition II. I tried to find out whether or not this painting actually did survive the war, but every article I found indicated it had been lost and only the sketch remained. (Here is a brief article about the Composition series which mentions that Compositions I, II and III were destroyed.)
As I said, I thoroughly enjoyed The Woman Who Heard Color
THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED. THE WINNER (as selected by Random.org) IS #21 - Amy @ A Faithful Journey. Congrats!
Thank you, Penguin Group, for shooting a copy of this my way AND for your generosity in offering a copy to one of my readers!
This sounds like a must-read for me! Sign me up! (Sigh. Does the #1 commenter ever win?!?)
This sounds so good!! I want to win! :-)
I think I would enjoy...and then share with my artist sister. drerekannette at gmail dot commed
Wow, all names starting with "A" have commented so far. And I am another one!
When I hear that a book takes place during WWII my interest increases about 300%. And the incorporation of of art and mystery makes it sound even more intriguing.
I have to admit, though, if I won this I would probably put a different cover on it if I wanted to leave it laying around my house! :)
I love books about art and history! I would love to win! schroederkatie at comcast dot net.
As I was reading your review I was thinking how much I wanted to get a copy! I hope I win!
It sounds exciting and vastly interesting. I think I would have to it read alongside the Gathering Storm as well.
I think this one will end up on my November list! :)
bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com
Yet another thing Hitler and Stalin had in common: a dislike for music too "unintelligible" for the "common man". I suspect that, in addition to their silly condescension, neither spent much time with children.
My 2nd daughter took and early liking to Stravinsky - she responded to the music, even if she clearly had no ability to "understand" it.
Likewise, certain modern art has always appealed to my kids. Abstraction may appeal to the intellect; but, if well done, it appeals on a visceral level as well. Even a "common" child can understand that.
This is my favorite time period to read about, also. (cjhansen3@att.net)
Ooooh, this sounds good!!!! Since I recently finished Unbroken and agreed with your review 100%, I"m even MORE excited to read this one! :)
I'm pretty much hyperventilating here. This sounds aMAZing. Then again, I've got a little something for historical fiction set during WWII--the stuff that made me into a "history person".
OK, I'm interested, too. Maybe if I win, reading this book will intersect with our study of World War II in my twentieth century history class.
History, detective that's all you had to say. I'm in.
Thanks for the opportunity to win! jjmail4 at yahoo.
Kkirkwoo at geneva dot edu
a wonderful posting....i would LOVE to read this novel...thanks for the chance :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
I'm not much of a modern art lover either. I like my art to have recognizable figures but just because it's not my cup of tea doesn't mean it should be destroyed - unless it's vulgar, in which case it is no longer art.
Sounds like an interesting book and one that would be good reading on plane over the holidays. :)
sounds intriguing :)
Can't wait to read...esp if I win :-)
This sounds like something I would REALLY enjoy...especially since I, too, love reading about all things World War II!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Really curious about this book since you loved it.
This sounds like such a great book to read! And if you enjoyed it, I'm sure I would too! I love books that are based in older time periods. Personally, I favor the time periods before (up to) the French Revolution and also LOVE the period of King Henry the VIII.
I really enjoy reading books like this and would love to read this one!
As an art history minor, this sounds fascinating! Will see if the local library has a waiting list for it.
jrswanda at cox dot net
I can't say that I care for the cover art, but the story sounds interesting.
histtheo1 AT yahoo DOT com
No need to enter me, as I already have a copy. Just glad to see you enjoyed it despite some initial reservations. I will link to your review on War Through the Generations.
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