If you aren't a very organized person and/or you'd like to learn a few extra tips on how you might save money in your household, raise your hand.
If you've raised your hand, chances are that you'l find Saving Savvy: Smart and Easy Ways to Cut Your Spending in Half and Raise Your Standard of Living...and Giving
Author Kelly Hancock hits on a host of topics in this book, from how to meal plan and stock your freezer to how to coupon. (I'm pretty sure she watches that new show about extreme couponing. I can't even fathom this, not being much of a couponer myself.)
Now, grant it, a lot of things that she suggests, I think, are fairly basic. She talks about the cost of eating out verses planning your meals out so that you can eat at home. She also talks a lot about how you should never pay full price for anything but wait for things to go on sale, or, at the very least, compare prices. When Hancock talks about couponing, she means serious business. She is very much a teacher personality and lays out information for you in an easy-to-comprehend way, helping you to digest her information and make changes in your own home. She is very detailed in her explanations which is a style that I know some people really appreciate and others find to be a bit of an over-kill. She likes lists and labels and writes things down. (I don't.)
That's not to say I didn't learn anything from her because I did. She had some tips for freezing peppers and other vegetables that I found rather helpful. She also gave some helpful tips for purchasing pantry goods in season that I found to be rather helpful. She does have ideas that had just never crossed my mind before and so it was interesting to breeze through this book and glean some new tips and tricks to continue saving money for our family.
I would consider us to be fairly conscientious about how we spend our money. Recently we stuck ourselves on a very tight budget to figure out what we could live on and where our money was actually going. This was a very enlightening experiment and we learned a great deal from it. I think from doing that I had figured out some ways that I was wasting money when grocery shopping. We rarely eat out as I make most of our food - including our bread, yogurt and granola (all of which we consume in rather large quantities around these parts!) Over the course of the past year we've been working on becoming more self-sufficient and money conscious. For that reason, I liked this book and found it helpful, even though she's far more detail oriented than I am. (For example: I have a stand alone freezer for fruits we U-pick in season. However, I do not have an inventory posted on the freezer telling me what's in it and when I put it in. I can see how a list would be helpful because this past summer I discovered some peaches I didn't know I had. But if there's going to be an inventory list I'd have to make it and I hate making lists. I'm not necessarily list driven.)
There are a few things I do not appreciate about this book. For instance, on the front cover there is a quote to help advertise it from Dave Ramsey, stating:
"This book is a gold mine of practical, how-to advice taken straight from God and Grandma's way of handling money."
There you have it. God and Grandma. I'm also very annoyed because some of the scriptures that are listed in this book are taken completely out of context which really drove me nuts as I was reading along. While there are plenty of scriptures that talk about how to spend and care for money wisely, I think she took certain verses a bit too far when trying to instruct the reader on how to save. I eventually stopped looking at her quotes and scriptures because they were more distracting due to their inaccurate application than anything else.
Stick with the idea that she's practical and that should be enough. You're chances of gleaning a thing or two from this read are rather high although I do think there are certain parts of it that are best ignored.
On that note . . .
Worthy Publishing has offered to give away one copy of Saving Savvy
Thanks to PR by the Book for shooting a copy of this book my way and to Worthy Publishing for offering the giveaway!
I love the topic of saving money, and would enjoy reading this book. I was just saying to my mom that I want to read a good book on this subject, but our small library only carries a couple titles and I've read them already.
Hmmm, mixed review, but I wouldn't mind reading it myself. :) I get a little too comfortable and need challenged. . .
(Btw, I'm in shock that you aren't a list person-I thought we were soooo much alike! giggle)
I might read this, thanks!
I would love to read this!
I would be interested in reading this book. I feel like we've come a long way in the last few years with actually knowing where our money goes and being more budget conscious. N even got me to grocery shop once a month (he helps). I fussed and fumed the whole way but for us it works.
Count me in! I love saving money and reading about money saving...even if it is a lot of lists! Thanks, Carrie.
i can 'use' this helpful book...
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
I would definitely like to learn a few extra tips on how to save money! Thanks for the giveaway!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Sounds interesting! As someone who resists budgets because I feel they stifle generosity and highlight independence (versus God-dependence), I'm interested to see what the author's take is on this. I'm all for spending less money on household needs.
The hubby and I are desperately trying to save for a down payment on a house, and it's HARD! As a mom to three boys I would love the opportunity to win this book and find out family-friendly saving tips!!!
Hello! I'm watching my money more closely than ever - trying to anyway! - and this book looks like it would be so helpful. I'm at Lauraleighanderson@hotmail.com
Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
We used to be really good with our money. But something happened this year and we've been spending like crazy. We're still within our means - just not saving like crazy. So we had a "money talk" this weekend. Starting in January we're going back on a strict budget. Partly because we have a goal of Joel working from home one day. To do that we need to live on much less. So our goal for 2012 is to live on 2/3 of our gross income. Discipline is always good for us, right?
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