I have sooooo much to say about Lit!: A Christian Guide to Reading Books

I think everyone who calls themselves a reader should read Lit!
"When we set out to read important books, we can expect opposition from our hearts. Reading is a discipline, and all disciplines require self-discipline, and self-discipline is the one thing our sinful flesh will resist.
Our spirit may be eager to read a book, but our flesh is weak. Our flesh would rather self-indulge on passive entertainment. Movies and television can be wonderful gifts from God if we use them wisely, but unchecked they will hijack our schedules and rob us of our reading time. Book reading is not just a matter of time management; it is a matter of warfare. Wherever sinful self-indulgence dominates our free time, we can be certain that personal idols are at work in our flesh, seeking to divide and conquer the soul (1 Pet. 2:11). (Chapter 10, Too Busy to Read, page 131)
"As with most areas of life, success requires planning. Having a clear purpose for why you read will ensure that the few books you choose will be the books most likely to benefit your life." (Chapter 7, Read With Resolve, page 94)
I hope to make 2012 a more successful reading year than 2011 was. I think I made quite a few mental changes as I read along this past year, but there are certainly more changes to come, thanks, in part, to Lit!
(Seriously - if you want to challenge yourself when it comes to how you pick and choose your reads and order your reading life, pick up a copy of this book. I cannot see how you would end up regretting it!)
Thanks to Crossway for sending a copy of it my way. I think. ;D (More to follow on this book and this topic.)
Whenever I get asked how I find time to read, I explain that I take the half or full hour each day that would otherwise be spent watching a TV show, and spend that time reading. It always amazes me that those who claim to have no time to do anything still have time for TV.
I definitely want to read Lit!. And I know what you mean about not wanting to rush through either thinking or talking about it. I feel the same way when I have a really good book.
Congrats on finishing your Fall Challenge. I so did NOT do well with sticking to my list this time. But I did enjoy what I got read, so I guess it's still a success. :-)
I think I should make Lit! the first book on my list to read in 2012. You're inspiring me. :-)
Ditto what Lis said (except I didn't even set any goals!)
I think Katrina was reading this too. I've been intrigued and glad that it's supportive of reading!
I am conscious of what I read and how it affects me, but increasingly I'm aware of the time. However, then I think what I'd be doing if I wasn't reading, and it's not usually better!!
Is the fall challenge over with already? I guess so since it's almost winter. I failed at it miserably. HOWEVER, I got a copy of Lit a few weeks ago and have it in my TBR pile. It may be this time next year before I actually get to it, but still...
Funny thing is, I actually hate TV and I still have trouble fitting in all the reading I want to do.
Television is definitely a time suck for me. Lately I've been asked how I "do everything" that I do. Well, I don't watch a lot of tv and I'm home most of the time. It really is that simple. Sounds like an interesting book. I'll have to keep an eye out for it. :)
Sounds like a great book. It was already on my TBR list . . . but now I am even more excited about reading it.
SO much talk about this book. I must read it! Thanks for the review.
Sounds interesting :)
This sounds like it would be challenging! Great excerpts. Thanks for bringing it on to my radar.
I've been looking at this one but holding out because I hate to buy books before I've read them--but I might have to break that rule here. This sounds like it could be challenging but in a very good sort of way.
I've seen this book pop up here and there. Sounds like a worthy read. That's one thing I like about Katrina's challenges -- there are some great books I do want to read but just don't gravitate to when I'm finishing one book and looking for another. But setting goals and making lists helps me purpose to read those titles.
This looks amazing! Can't wait for your "real" review--my curiosity is definitely awakened.
Thanks for posting about this book. I think I'd enjoy it. Looking forward to reading more of your thoughts about it.
I've seen this book reviewed on various blogs and I have to admit I'm a little intimidated by it. Your review may have convinced me I can not only read it with understanding but that it would be a fun and profitable exercise! :)
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