
Friday, January 13, 2012

LMM Giveaway #2 (x2!)

I have a "bad habit" of purchasing any LMM title I see that is not part of the Anne series anywhere, anytime I see it. One of the first shelves I check at our local used bookstore is the shelf for Montgomery. Every time I go in, I hunt them down. Given that they are so hard to come by (or so I've found) I snatch them up -- FOR YOU!

Over the course of the past year I found two copies of each of the above titles. When I pulled out my Montgomery giveaway stack for this Reading Challenge, I discovered the sets (even though I had purchased the titles individually and separately.)

TWO of you now have a chance to win a set of these books: Chronicles of Avonlea and Further Chronicles of Avonlea. (One set matches itself and the other doesn't. The first name I draw as winner will receive the matched set. The second person I draw will have to enjoy the books without matching covers!)

To win? Simply leave a comment below. (If you are participating in the Lucy Maud Montgomery Reading Challenge and have written up a post and linked back saying so, feel free to leave a second comment for a second entry!) This contest is open to U.S. & Canadian residents and will be open through Thursday, January 19th.

Enjoy! And Happy Reading!


Janna said...

Sign me up! I have not read either of these, and like you said, they're hard to come by! jannarebekah (at) aol (dot) com

Barbara H. said...

Would love to win these! I think I may have read one or both years ago when I first "discovered" Anne, but I've been planning to revisit them. Would love to have them on hand for the next LMM challenge!

Barbara H. said...

I am participating in the LMM challenge, have written a post about it, and have linked back.

Annette W. said...

:) You are so right about them being hard to find. I'd love to add them to my shelf.

derekannette at gmail dot com

Beckie B. said...

Thanks so much for your giveaway.

Queen of Carrots said...

I think I need these.

Melinda said...

I would love to win these. I've never been an LMM fan, but I would like to give her another try.

wholesomewomanhood (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Audrey said...

Neat, I don't think I've heard of these.

Audrey said...

I am participating in the LMM challenge!

Annette W. said...

I am participating!

Carol in Oregon said...

I think *I* need these! ;)

Anonymous said...

What a suh-weet giveaway! I'd love to win a set of these. These are two titles I didn't even know existed. Thanks for thinking or your readers, Carrie, and I don't think that is a bad habit to have at all!


Sky said...

Oh fun! I don't have either of those and have been looking for years! Thank you!

Jen E @ mommablogsalot said...

These are two I haven't read yet, I'd love to win!

Katy said...

I don't think I've ever read those two! I would love to win them! =)
katy DOT l DOT bloom AT gmail DOT com

Heather VanTimmeren said...

These are the books I'm planning to read for the challenge, but since I'm finishing a rather large biography of Bonhoeffer, I haven't made it official yet. I'd love to have these copies on my shelf instead of borrowing from the library!

Joan S said...

It's been so long since I read these, would love to receive a copy!
jrswanda at cox dot net

Bluerose said...

I hate to admit that I had to look these up to know what they were. I just assumed they were part of the Anne series. :P Now I really want to read them, though!

Bluerose said...

I wrote up a post about my participation. Hopefully, I'll get my Anne review up soon!

bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

Jean C. said...

I'd love to win... for me and my daugthers. Thanks!
graykitty9 at msn dot com

A Faithful Journey said...

These are two of her titles I have not yet read! Thank you so much for the chance to win!

A Faithful Journey said...

I am also a LMM Reading Challenge participant! :)

Becca-ellen said...

Books are amazing!
I have read a few of Lucy Montgomery's books and to be honest they were not my favorite, but I would love to give her another chance. Who knows, I may convert.

Stephanie Kay said...

I've managed to accumulate 5 Montgomery books via used book sales (.25 each! or did I win one from you last year?). I'm saving them for when Ellie is a teen and will enjoy them - before she gets all practical like her mama. So, I'd love to win these to add to my collection but I would save them for next year. I think I'm all Montgomery'd out for this year. :D

Stephanie's Mommy Brain said...

I'm participating. :D

Debbie Phillips said...

Sign me up... I love LMM. I am not participating in the reading challenge but want to get back to doing your Read-Aloud Thursday link up.

apple blossom said...

thanks for the chance to win these books.

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said...

I am participating posted a post on my blog

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I would love to read both books. Please enter me in contest.

karenk said...

thanks for the chance to read these fabulous novels :)

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Anita Yancey said...

Both books sound really good and I'd love to read them. Thanks for having this giveaway.


Miss Nirvana said...

I have not read either of these titles, but they sound interesting.

Tarissa said...

Love this giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win. I've read the entire set of Anne books & the Emily books. LMM is a wonderful writer, and I'd love to add 2 more volumes to my collection. =)

Laura S Reading said...

Please include me in this drawing. I do not care if I get a matched set. The pleasure is in the reading, even though I love the feel and look of real books.

wismomworks(at)gmail (dot)com

Anonymous said...

Sign me up!

Anonymous said...

I'm participating in the challenge, and have posted!

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