Ok, seriously now... she loves shoes. She has a shoe fettish. I don't have a shoe fettish and so I'm not sure where this was inherited from. But the more interesting the shoe, the more my little girl, Bookworm3 (age 10 months) loves it. Her brother's house shoes are her particular favorite, although she is partial to rain boots as well. Truth be told, the house shoes have spent far less time on feet than they have in baby's mouth. (And I've put them through the washer a thousand times, least you fret!)She even sleeps with them. See here for proof:

I may own roughly 10 pairs of shoes. (That includes my house shoes, old garden tennis shoes and dancing shoes.) I think my daughter owns just as many but I fear she may own more than I ever have in my whole entire lifetime by the time she turns five years old. She is attracted to shoes! So, when I saw a copy of Love My Shoes!

It is a very girly board book which is bound up in a nice and sturdy manner that includes a pink ribbon woven into the binding. The book is a very loose "story" about a little girl who loves shoes. Rhyming text allows the reader to delight in the following:
Old shoes.
New shoes.
Red shoes? Blue shoes?
Shoes to run in,
chase the sun in.
Et cetera, et cetera.
Holly Conger provides three dimensional illustrations for this book which makes it interesting to look at. Then, of course, there are the shoes. From high heels to hightops, this book is full of brightly colored displays of happy feet. (They are happy, of course, because they are wearing amazing shoes. Not Crocs, of course, because I have it on good authority that Crocs are a big fashion no-no.)
(If it matters, I wish it to be known that I have never actually worn Crocs because I was warned against them when they were becoming a rage.)
I think this book is funny and cute but mostly because I don't really care about shoes and find it fascinating that my daughter does. We shall see what the future holds (or perhaps what her closets do) but for now we're enjoying this book, courtesy of Ideals Publications, who sent a copy in exchange for my sharing my honest opinion of this book. And now I have done so. (MY fettish is in having to overstate the obvious all of the time, thank you very much!)
P.S. Shoes for Oregonians?! What do you think? ;)

Your daughter is already 10 months old??? Wow, does time fly. How funny that she's so into shoes!
Looks like a really cute book.
Amazingly no. She's only 9 months and you'd think I'd know it. I realized after I wrote the post. Apparently I may or may not remember her birthday. Poor third child.
I once held your daughter. It might have rubbed off on her. Sorry about that.
It's hard to believe she's nine months already!
I've never been that much into shoes, either. In fact, I really hate having to buy new ones because I have hard to fit feet. But I've been amused that for some shoes are the first thing they notice.
Stylish "snow shoes" there are the end. :-)
I'll have to look for this book. My 3 yr old dd also has a shoe fetish, which started at an early age. She will clear the shelves at Target trying on all the shoes and it doesn't matter if they are her size or not!
The Oregonian shoes made me laugh.
Such a cute post!! I am also not a huge shoe fan. I have my few pairs that fulfill a purpose and that is it. My sister...well now she could open up her own shoe store! :)
And my kids LOVE their rain boots! They would wear them every single day if I'd let them! :)
This post made me laugh! :) For one thing, I have about 5 pairs of shoes and wear one pair in the summer, one in the winter, and another to church! lol (It sounds like I need to get rid of two pairs, hmm?) Then it made me think of a quote I read somewhere (but I can't find it now) that said something like "why waste money on shoes or clothes when you could spend that money on books". I really wanted to post that quote on here for you. . .(shall we talk about my 63 boxes of books I moved?! And the ONE box that held all my shoes AND my husband's shoes?! roflol)
Then it also made me laugh b/c I, too, have a little shoe diva. Kiana, my 4yo, has a serious shoe fetish. She has more shoes than those owned by the other six people in this family put together! :)
Love the Oregonian shoes! Too funny.
I confess, I like shoes. I currently own 23 pairs and there may be more as I did not go rummage through my summer clothes in the basement. Yes, I did go count. I have a pair of red shoes that I love (my happy shoes) and tall brown boots that are fabulous. Ellie (5 yr) is already showing a tendency for walking in my footsteps in a love for shoes. (har.har.)
Knowing that there is 2 days in between our youngest ones, when I saw 10 months I had to stop and count on my fingers. I thought I had already lost track of time! ;)
I'm not into shoes that much, either. Grasshopper has more shoes than I do! :P
Z has loved shoes since she could see far enough away to spot a shoe rack! I will have to get her this book, she would love the rhymes.
Such a cute post!:)
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