First, let's start with an introduction and then we'll move on to the giveaway(s).
My name is Carrie and I've been book blogging since 2006. (My reviews for the first couple of years were horrible. Do me a favor and don't read my blog back that far!) I'm a stay-at-home mom who loves to read and finds book blogging to be an outlet of sorts, allowing me a chance to interact with others on subject matters which are near and dear to my heart. I don't necessarily mean that books are near and dear (although they are) but the issues that they cause me to grapple with are. My mother-in-law once wrote down this quote (I have no idea who to attribute it to):
You will be the same person you are five years from now, except for the books you read and the people you meet.
I believe that to be true. Books can be entertaining and sometimes they need to be. Whether or not a book intends to be exclusively a vehicle for entertainment, it is absolutely expressing a world view which the reader must wrestle with. Books open up the world to us in so many ways and change who we are as people. They are of great importance and therefore I blog about them.
As I mentioned, I am a stay-at-home mom to three children - two boys and one girl. My oldest boy, Bookworm1, is 5. Bookworm2 is 3 and my youngest daughter, Bookworm3, will be 1 year old next week! I read and talk about a variety of books on this site for a variety of ages and I've been extremely blessed to make a good many friends doing so. If you'd care to join in on the conversations, we'd be more than happy to have you stick around.
I have a few favorite authors I like to harp on about: Lucy Maud Montgomery and C.S. Lewis. Every January I host the Lucy Maud Montgomery Reading Challenge and every July I host the Chronicles of Narnia Reading Challenge. If you are interested in participating in either, I hope you'll do so!

Now moving on . . .
Because this is a party and we do intend to have fun with this, I'll offer up a few "party favors." My boys really like Elephant & Piggie books by Mo Willems (linked to my thoughts) and I just so happen to have a couple spare copies of the following titles to give away.

That's right! I have a copy of I Am Invited to a Party!
1. Simply leave a comment below. Be sure to leave a valid e-mail address for me to contact you at. If you do not leave an address (and I don't know you) then I will choose another winner. Must leave an address!
2. BONUS PARTY POINTS: If you are subscribed to Reading to Know feed in your Google reader (or wherever) OR follow Reading to Know on Facebook, you can leave a second comment in order to be entered twice.
You must be a U.S. or Canadian resident in order to be entered into the contest. This contest will be open until the close of the Blog Party, Friday, April 20th.
For our guests, we thank you for stopping by! For the regulars, well, have fun with the contest! There may or may not be very. exciting. contests. springing up on this site throughout the next week in honor of the Ultimate Blog Party. Stick around. ;)
So wonderful to meet you! Here for the UBP2012!
Glad to meet you. Great blog and I love to read too.
jhidey at aol dot com
I added you to my RSS feed
Happy Ultimate Blog Party 2012.
Cascia Talbert from The Healthy Moms Magazine - Just dropping by from The Ultimate Blog Party I am looking forward to networking with you and getting to know you better! I hope you have the opportunity to visit our blog! http://www.thehealthymoms.net/2012/04/ultimate-blog-party-2012.html
I would love to win these to review myself and then pass on to my niece, who is almost 3.
I'll be the regular reader dropping by; enjoying the company, but disappointed that the internet does not yet allow the sharing of hors d'oeuvres. ;)
I'm here from the UPB.
How fun! :)
bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower through GFC and Facebook.
Thanks for the giveaway!! My kids would enjoy these! :)
I am an email subscriber! :)
Hello there! I share your love of the written word. My children would love the books - we read all the time :-)
I just liked you on Facebook :-)
Stopping by from the UBP- I really like your blog. I have never heard of the Elephant and Piggie book series, but they look like lots of fun!!
Hope you can stop by and visit us too and join us for the GHQ 2012 (a FREE fun event with great prizes)- www.onehouseschoolroom.com/2012/04/ultimate-blog-party-2012.html
Love the quote!
And of course I LOVE Elephant and Piggie. I remember when you first read one of Kyle's with him! They are my go-to gift for 4 - 6 year olds (and we still love them too)
I'm here from the UBP.....great blog.....we share an addiction.....books!
thanks for the fun giveaway
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
email subscriber
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Elephant and Piggie?!?! I need those!
I too, regret the lack of food munching together over the internet.
Happy Blog Party!
:) You know I love these books! We don't own any! We've never read There Is a Bird on Your Head! Must find it soon!
thissimplemom at gmail dot com
I follow you...
Visiting from UBP12 - fun to read your post. Books are such a great outlet for a stay-at-home mom, and for anyone. I love to read, as well!
Hi Carrie!! I haven't been around much over the past couple of months.
How have you been?
Life Less Brooke Would Be Ordinary
Tell Me A Yarn
The Bluestocking Guide
I love books, too.
So glad to meet your through the UBP. Happy party day.
So glad you joined the party! I love to read and probably love books more than reading them. I think they're beautiful and smell amazing. LOL. I'm sorry I just missed your LMM challenge. I really like her. We had the privilege of visiting her home while in P.E.I. a few years ago. It was an experience I will never forget!
So happy to meet you! I'm an avid reader myself, as are my hubby and kiddos too. Beautiful blog you have here! I'll be sure to subscribe before I leave.
{ChristianSuperMom.com & UnEmployedFaith.com}
Oh my goodness! I LOVE Elephant and Piggie!!!
Happy to have met you via the UBP! Love the book giveaway, too!
Oh, and here is my email :)
Really excited to have found another mom that loves books and reviews!! I look forward to reading future posts!
How cool are you!?! I never thought about reviewing books as part of my blog, but I love to read. So no I'll just have to subscribe so that I can be kept up to date on all the best new books. Thanks so much. Visiting from UBP.
I am a bookworm too! I love the feel of books, the smell of books, and the content too (ha). Unfortunately, I don't have the alone time to read much, but when I can -- I love to hide with a story by Francine Rivers!
Nice to meet you!
Enjoy the party!
It is very nice to "meet" you. I hope that you enjoy hopping around the UBP12. I am glad to stop by your blog and read more about you. I love books too. Especially Kindle freebies! ;)
I'd love to be entered into the drawing. I have a 4 year old and she loves books too.
longwaitforisabella at gmail dot com is my email address.
You can find my UBP12 post here:
Long Wait For Isabella
Coming from the UBP12! It's nice to meet you! My son LOVES these books and it's such an awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance! You can find me here: http://joeandbethany.blogspot.com/2012/04/ultimate-blog-party-2012.html
And on twitter: @bethanyev
Happy UBP12!
Stopping by from UBP12 ~ We are a homeschooling family that loves to read and dreams of having a library one day (in God's timing!). Stop by and visit me at The Johns Family ~ http://grettajohns.blogspot.com/2012/04/welcome-to-ultimate-blog-party-2012.html
I have a reader that would be SOOOOO EXCITED to get some of these!
Leaving my second comment. : )
Nice to visit your blog...I'm new to UBP and checking out the other great blogs. I totally identify with your comment about your writing improving over the years. Isn't it good that God improves our gifts as we use them! Great blog.
Just popping in from the UBP. I too love LLM and CS Lewis! My favorite LLM is the Blue Castle. I don't think it's very well known outside of Canada, have you discovered it yet?
I enjoyed reading your post and look forward to reading more! Blessings and Peace, Becky
Love Love books... floor to ceiling books! I hope to instill a love of reading to my children...
Your site seems so fun! And I have been looking for that reading quote! So glad I found it :)
Thanks for sharing.. hopping over from UBP12
Hi there! Stopping over from UBP.
Nice blog, girlie!!
Elise at http://www.hisamazingblessings@blogspot.com
Nice to meet you. I love to read, too. Just ask my kids. I seem to always be running out of bookshelves.
Just added you to my reader.
Hi Carrie! Great prize! I'm popping by from UBP2012 to say hi!
found your blog through the blog party!
I love books so i'm looking forward to reading your reviews and maybe finding some new books to read.
visiting from UBP12. I luv books! Will be revisiting your book nook.
What a great site you have! And I am somewhat inspired to read more :)
Visiting form the UBP! Love to read, too! Just finished And the Shofar Blew. Have you read it? Francine Rivers. Really good! Ever host guest bloggers?
My daughter and I are hosting our first reading challenge. We may have to stop by and check yours out - and add to our list of ones we are already doing lol.
Nice to meet a fellow book lover. :)
Thanks for the party favors! ;)
Count me in!
shostagirl AT gmail DOT com
I follow you on facebook too.
shostagirl AT gmail DOT com
I appreciate your book recommendations. M usually loves whatever your kids like. :)
Like you on fb
Oh, sign me up, we need some Mo Willemstad in our house! :)
And of course you know I'm a subscriber!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am enjoying yours-love books!
My girls like Mo Willems and we don't have these. Thanks for the chance to win!
Dropping by from the UBP. I also love books and blog about them often. I'm following you now!
Liked your FB page.
(from Embracing Destiny)
I love C.S. Lewis. We might have already talked about this. It's getting late. :) Glad I finally made it over though.
I just wrote a blog post on writing to know.
I'm excited about the giveaway too because my kiddos love to read.
Oh and I liked your Facebook page!
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