
Friday, July 27, 2012

Narnia Giveaway: 4

Before I forget (again) - the winners for the prior Narnia contests (as selected by are as follows:

Narnia Giveaway #2 (copy of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe) goes to: #2 Apple Blossom

Narnia Giveaway #3 (audio of Prince Caspian) goes to: #4 - Joyful Reader

Congratulations, ladies!

And our final giveaway for the Narnia Challenge is as follows:

The Land of Narnia by Brian Sibley. I picked up a copy of this one at Goodwill as well in order to pass it along to one of you.

In this book, author Brian Sibley offers a short(er) biography of C.S. Lewis which is likely suitable for ages 8 and up. (Amazon says this book is good for ages 1 and up and while I'm amused by that, I don't think that's very accurate.) The subtitle to this book explains that the author is exploring the world of Narnia and I thought that to mean that he was going to talk about the actual land (and include maps!) but that is not the case. It's merely an introductory biography for middle grades(-ish) which also provides:

- A timeline of the history of Narnia.
- Several pages of explanation and a description of each book in the series.
- Lots of photographs and illustrations.
- Additional illustrations by Pauline Baynes, who illustrated the original books, which she created especially for this book. (So it is fun to look through. Even if you are 1 years old. I suppose.)

Would you like to win? Well, you know the ropes!

Simply leave a comment below. This contest is open to U.S. and Canadian residents. If you are participating in the challenge and have written up a post on your blog saying so, you may leave TWO comments for two separate entries. This contest will be open through Thursday, August 2nd.


Annette Whipple said...

I think this would be a great addition to our growing Narnia collection!

Annette Whipple said...

I'm participating, too!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. Me and my son would love to win.

Stephanie Kay said...

This would be a welcome addition to our Narnia collection. Especially since I have a middle school age child. :D

Stephanie Kay said...

I'm participating!!

Mark Baker said...

I wonder if they meant to say this was good for grades 1 and up instead of age 1 and up?

I'd be interested in reading the book, so please enter me.

rbooth43 said...

I wpuld like to add this to my Nardia collection!
rbooth43 at yahoo dot com

Sky said...

I'm in! Just not online as much as usual! My boys would love this book!

Joyful Reader said...

Just an FYI (not sure if you have sent it yet) but I haven't received Prince Caspian yet. Just wanted to make sure it isn't lost. Thank you again!

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