
Friday, September 14, 2012

The Search for the Delicious (Giveaway)

It's Friday. Let's do a giveaway just for the fun of it, shall we?!

Remember my review of The Search for the Delicious in which I raved about said story!? Well, I found an extra copy and I thought I'd pass it along to one of you.

Would you care to win? Simply leave a comment below. This contest is open to U.S. AND Canadian residents and will be open through Thursday, September 20th.

Extra chance to win:

Go and read (or re-read) my review and tell me who you plan to share this book with. (You are permitted to read this by yourself and for your own pleasure. Add a Pumpkin Spice Latte to the reading experience and increase the pleasure, if you like!) Leave a second comment after reading the review.

Enjoy a happy weekend!

THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED. THE WINNER, as selected by, IS #10 - Jessica B.


windycindy said...

What a fabulous book! I would
love to win this for our two sons...
Many thanks, Cindi

Diary of an Autodidact said...

Ok, I'll play!

I have five little packets of kinetic energy who would love to read this book. They might even let me read it to them ;)

The Giggling Gull said...

I read this book several years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it.

The Giggling Gull said...

I have already shared it with my oldest daughter, and intend to share it with my other children as they grow up.

Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

I've never read it and confess I thought Tuck Everlasting to be a bit. . .weird, but I'm always up for a new book! I'm off to read your review again.

Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

No social commentary/agenda/hidden message? Yes, please! I'll read it to my girls!

Anonymous said...

I would love to share this book with my son. Please enter me in contest.

apple blossom said...

my niece would love this book thanks

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said...

read your review. never have heard of this book thanks

ABreasding4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

jessica B. said...

i always love to share books with my amazing kids!

Jessica B. said...

I read the review. A villian named Hemlock! Yes please!

Heather VanTimmeren said...

I remember when you reviewed this! I'd love to win a copy.

Heather VanTimmeren said...

And even though I remembered it, I re-read your review. (-: I'd give it to my daughter.

Janna said...

I have an almost 11 year old daughter who I think would love this book! jannarebekah(at)aol(dot)com

Annette Whipple said...

A fun book with no deeper meaning? Sometimes that is just what we need. :)

Annette Whipple said...

I think this one will just be enjoyed by me for now. :)

Annette W. said...

I saw your post on FB.

Alison said...

I remember reading and enjoying Tuck Everlasting. I did not know about this book so adding it to my to read list. :)

Alison said...

And too bad the boys aren't old enough yet to share this with, but my mom might be very interested in it.

Sky said...

Oh yes, I would like one!

Smart Helm said...

I would read it myself, then my sister would read it, then I would send it to my other sister and family to read, and then she would eventually send it on to my Mom. Books get around our family... but I'm the one that starts it! :)

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