Inside The Reformation
This book is an encyclopedia of sorts (think: DK Encyclopedia style but with a little less text involved), showing images and offering brief descriptions and explanations on the following topics:
- The Holy Roman Empire
- City Life
- Food and Drink
- Relics
- Art
- St. Peter's Basilica
- Ninety-five Theses
- Knights
- Peasants' War
- Augsburg Confession
- Katharina Luther
- Printing Press
- Much more!
This book is not designed for any particular age group in mind. My children are just as curious to poke through it as I am. There is artwork to look at, pictures of weaponry displayed which was used at the time, as well as pictures of relics of the Roman Catholic Church (which I find fascinating to look at). If you cannot travel over to Europe and see these things for yourself (and I can't just at the moment) this is a nice collection of little snippets which further enlighten both the old and young as to what things were like "back in the day." It's a very handy resource and one that I am happy to have on our bookshelves for when we study either medieval life or the Reformation.
THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED. THE WINNER (as selected by IS #18 - Jes! Congrats!
Kudos to Concordia Publishing House for producing an appealing and useful resource for parents and teachers to use with their children and students. Many thanks to them also for sending a copy my direction in exchange for my honest opinion. Lastly - thank you for offering an additional copy to one of my readers!
Thank you for your giveaway! I would love to share this book with my grandsons.
I would love to win a copy! The library didn't have a single book that you reviewed earlier this week. :(
isaiah354 (at)
I'll jump in. I love books like this, with all the background stuff. I know a few kids that might too ;)
I always love reading your reviews and winning books! :)
I'd love to win this. Your book choices always make my list :)
gelhaus_writing at gmail
This looks like a wonderful book!
This looks like a great resource!
histtheo1 at yahoo dot com
Yep--sign me up!
This looks great!
Count me in for this one, Carrie! janetATacrossthepageDOTnet
This sounds like a very interesting book.
love to win a copy thanks
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
This would be great for us right now--we are homeschoolers studying the reformation currently!
jannarebekah (at) aol (dot) com
We do need to teach the kids about Ref. Day...and this is a great way to do it.
Great books that you shared all week, and this one looks great too!
thissimplemom at gmail dot com
Just taught my girls a lesson on the reformation yesterday and wished there was a perfect book to bring the event to life. This is great.
Thanks for the giveaway! Looks like a neat resource!
jswaks at gmail dot com
I would love to share this book with my boys.
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